Found 6 software entries in Apple II from category: Apple II Plus

Castle Wolfenstein

Castle Wolfenstein (1981)
(Modified on 2023-07-12 15:27:56)

Castle Wolfenstein is a 'action—adventure' computer game developed by Silas Warner and released in 1981 by Muse Software. The first game in the Wolfenstein series. Castle Wolfenstein is one of the early games in which the...


Karateka (1984)
(Modified on 2023-07-12 16:14:33)

The evil Akuma has destroyed the protagonist's homeland, killed many of his friends and kidnapped the princess Mariko. Fortunately, the hero is skilled in martial arts, so his inevitable quest to reach Akuma's palace and rescue Mariko has a...

Alternate Reality: The Dungeon

Alternate Reality: The Dungeon (1987)
(Modified on 2023-06-08 11:52:19)

Alternate Reality: The Dungeon directly follows its predecessor: The player is still captured by aliens and imprisoned in an alternate reality. After visiting the city, now he proceeds to the dungeon with only one goal in mind:...

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