Where in the USA is Carmen Sandiego? (for Apple II and IIGS)

Author: Brøderbund
Publisher: Brøderbund
Type: Apple II
Category: Adventure , Apple II Plus , Games
Shared by: Amid
On: 2023-06-07 22:17:44
Updated by: Amid
On: 2024-03-17 10:22:50
Rating: 0.00 Clarus out of 10 (0 vote)
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  • Front Cover (Apple II 5.25) 
  • Screenshot (Apple II 5.25) 
  • Front Cover (Apple IIgs) 
  • Screenshot (Apple IIgs) 
  • Front Cover (Apple II 3.5) 
  • Screenshot (Apple II 3.5) 

What is Where in the USA is Carmen Sandiego? (for Apple II and IIGS)?

Track this master thief across the United States!

Master thief Carmen Sandiego is on the loose and out to steal some of our most precious national treasures. Her gang of eccentric con artists has grown bigger and more outrageous than ever. Can you catch them?

You'll start by gathering all the facts at the scene of the crime. Then you'll be off on a wild chase across all 50 states and the District of Columbia. As you travel north, south, east and west, you'll learn about America's cities, coastlines, mountain ranges, lakes, deserts, history, and more. To help you, the program includes Fodor's USA travel guide - and you'll need it!

Sixteen suspects, 50 states, and 1,500 clues will keep you busy for a long, long time as you work your way up through 10 detective ranks. The more you play, the more challenging the clues become, truly testing your detective skills - and the more knowledge you'll have about our fascinating history.

  • 16 suspects, 50 states and 1,500 clues.
  • Learn American geography and history.
  • As challenging for adults as for children.

 - (Brøderbund Software Catalog 1987-1988)

See also: Macintosh version

Download Where in the USA is Carmen Sandiego? (for Apple II and IIGS)

(479.29 KiB / 490.79 KB)
Apple II version (5.25)(1986) / Zipped
22 / 2023-06-07 / 2023-06-12 / 555e7dd6bb9bffcb563903ba382891f42a025abc / /
(146.09 KiB / 149.59 KB)
Apple II version (3.5)(1990) / Zipped
10 / 2023-06-12 / 5dd00bfa4aa8db066e0b7e934f0a6b0f1415d8ae / /
(706.69 KiB / 723.65 KB)
Apple IIGS version (1990) / Zipped
20 / 2023-06-07 / 2023-06-12 / 918c666014cf993087fdedfaab5f756b6a5104f6 / /
(20.14 MiB / 21.12 MB)
Manual in PDF format / Zipped
9 / 2023-06-07 / 2023-06-12 / f7eb39495bbaf162ac1a04f59e21a4237ab3b5de / /


Other/Non-Mac architecture

Compatibility notes

Apple II+

  • 64 kb RAM (5.25)
  • 128 kb RAm (3.5)

Apple IIGS

  • 1 mg RAM

Emulating this? It could probably run under: KEGS

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