Found 40 software entries
from category: Conversion
GIFConverter 2.x
GIFConverter is an utility that can open and save (convert) various 80's and early 90's graphics files, namely: GIF, Startup Screens, PICT, JPEG, TIFF, Paint, RLE, EPSF... All it does is allow you to convert them, but it has no real editing...
BchunkX (convert .bin/.cue to .iso)
If you stumble upon a .bin/.cue pair (for a multi-track/XA CD) and would like to EASILY and instantly convert that to a standard, flattened single .iso disk image file, then this freeware app does it in under 2 seconds. Source (abandoned, it...
Adobe Acrobat Distiller 4.05 [es_ES]
Adobe Distiller 4 converts PostScript files to PDF files for use with Adobe Acrobat.
HandBrake is a open-source tool, built by volunteers, for converting video from nearly any format to a selection of modern, widely supported codecs. Reasons you’ll love HandBrake: Convert video from nearly any format Free and Open...
DiskCopy2DSK (Macintosh DiskCopy 4.2 Floppy Image Converter)
Here’s a quick-and-dirty utility I whipped up called DiskCopy2Dsk. A few people asked how to create raw .dsk floppy images to use with Floppy Emu. The hardware supports both DiskCopy 4.2 and raw .dsk image files, but DiskCopy 4.2 images...
MacVerter Metric
MacVerter Metric: metric conversion for the Macintosh. Type numbers in any field and watch them converted before your very eyes!
Graphic Converter 7.6.2
Graphic Converter version 7.6.2 has a new frontend rewritten in Cocoa and is multilingual (Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese (simplified), Chinese (traditional), Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Swedish)
GraphicConverter 6.5 for Classic
It does what it says - and much more. Long before Apple included it, it was possible (though maybe not recommended on slower macs) to set any picture as desktop background (most classic MacOS versions only support background patterns). It allows...
Simple Convertor
Convertor is a small utility application that lets you select one or more text files and it converts them from/to Windows <-> Macintosh. It works fine for carriage returns and line feeds but Convertor doesn't do a very good job with the...
MacFlim 2.x
MacFlim is an open source package of tools including a 68K video player app on a floppy disk image, plus instructions on how to build a modern program that will let you convert any video file to a streamable tiny B&W video that will play back on...
GraphicConverter 3.7.1 PPC (French)
GraphicConverter 3.7.1 vf Traduction française par Philippe Bonnaure Date: 12/09/1999 Nouveau numéro de fax:...
Программа конвертации русских текстов PC <--> MAC. Поддерживает кодировки DOS, WIN, MAC. Более полная (коммерческая) версия доступна за $35, и...
MIMEconvert was written to help me deal with processing web-based form data sent via e-mail. As you may know, the files get sent with certain special characters hex encoded. As well some MIME encoding takes place frequently meaning that spaces...
AnyToISO - Open/Extract/Convert to ISO, Extract ISO, Make ISO Extract/Convert to ISO: NRG, MDF, UIF, DMG, ISZ, BIN, DAA, PDI, CDI, IMG, etc CD/DVD-ROM images Extract ISO, DMG, DEB, RPM......
Ulaw, by Rod Kennedy, converts mac sampled sounds to Sun Ulaw format sounds and vice versa. In one direction Ulaw extracts the sounds from the 'snd ' resources of any Mac file. Then it interpolates to the Sun audio 8kHz sampling rate and...
GraphicConverter 6 Universal for OSX
See also: Graphic Converter 6.5 (last version for Mac OS 9)
Converting a bunch of AVI files to a DVD shouldn't require a Computer Science degree. Getting movies from your digital camera to your iPod shouldn't take hours. Wading through a sea of video formats shouldn't pull you...
iSquint is an iPod video conversion app for Mac OS X. It's many times faster than QuickTime Pro, works with almost all popular video formats, and it's infinitely free-er. It's also really easy. Just drag in your file, and click...
Wat doet 't? Bedrag converteert een getalsmatig bedrag naar zijn uitgeschreven equivalent. Je voert dus bijvoorbeeld "2549,76" in en Bedrag maakt er "vijf en twintig honderd negen en veertig gulden en zes en zeventig cent"...
MPEGAud is a Macintosh program which can encode and decode MPEG audio to/from AIFF files. What makes MPEGAud an interesting piece of software to look at today is that since the MP3 standard had just appeared when MPEGAud was released in 1995,...
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