Found 6 software entries in Apple II from category: Apple II

Castle Wolfenstein

Castle Wolfenstein (1981)
(Modified on 2023-07-12 15:27:56)

Castle Wolfenstein is a 'action—adventure' computer game developed by Silas Warner and released in 1981 by Muse Software. The first game in the Wolfenstein series. Castle Wolfenstein is one of the early games in which the...

Boulder Dash

Boulder Dash (1984)
(Modified on 2023-12-06 22:27:54)

You are Rockford, and you have to dig through monster infested caves in search of diamonds. In each level you must collect a certain number of these diamonds, in order to open a portal to the next stage. Enemies can be squashed by falling boulders,...

Transylvania (for Apple II)

Transylvania (for Apple II) (1982)
(Modified on 2023-08-01 16:42:37)

In an adventure game you are put in a fictitious world inside the computer. The computer shows you where you are, what you see, and where you can go. You travel around and do things by giving the computer two word commands, a verb and a noun, such...

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