This lists software missing screenshots. Please help and upload them!

The Exorcist

The Exorcist (1999)
(Added on 2020-03-16 15:44:40)

Attempts to inoculate machines against multiple strains of the "666" AKA "SevenDust", "Graphics Accelerator" virus. The Exorcist creates two locked files in the Extensions folder. These files have the different names...

The Fragmalyzer

The Fragmalyzer (1996)
(Modified on 2023-02-04 18:22:16)

The Fragmalyzer is a scriptable and extensible development utility for examining and modifying Macintosh code fragments. It provides a graphical user interface for all those chores that previously required MPW tools (DumpPEF, ModPEF, MakeStub, et...

The Musician

The Musician (1999)
(Added on 2020-03-16 09:30:05)

The Musician plays files having type 'WAVE','AIFF', 'AIFC', '.WAV', 'Midi','ULAW', 'sfil', 'BINA', sounds inside Movies ('MooV'), CD Audio tracks ('trak') and, at last,...

The Quicktimeifier

The Quicktimeifier (2020)
(Modified on 2020-12-18 20:41:55)

A Simple program to Request, Transcode, and Download Videos from YouTube or Compatible sites.   THIS SOFTWARE IS IN DEVELOPMENT AND IS NOT FINISHED! Check back later for a possible release!

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