Found 946 software entries in Games from category: Adventure

Peddersen og Findus i Buklernes Verden

Peddersen og Findus i Buklernes Verden (2002)
(Modified on 2024-02-17 12:07:37)

In the fourth game with Pettson and Findus the cat, you have to guide Findus and a companion through the house. Twelve minigames are scattered over different locations such as the kitchen, the attic, the bedroom and the living room. By completing...

I Spy Fantasy

I Spy Fantasy (2003)
(Modified on 2023-06-08 21:15:10)

I Spy Fantasy is a colorful, soundful and fantastic point and click puzzle solving for children.  It was made with Macromedia Shockwave and will work on any PPC Macintosh. Based on the award-winning and best-selling book , I SPY Fantasy....

Another World (aka Out of This World)

Another World (aka Out of This World) (1992)
(Modified on 2024-11-17 09:58:36)

Another World is a revolutionary game on its time, with an animation engine which in some moments seems to be a 3D game seen in a 2D perspective, Another World reminds the mechanics seen on Prince of Persia. The cinematics are incredible. You are a...

Cookie's Bustle

Cookie's Bustle (1999)
(Modified on 2024-11-30 07:54:44)

Unfortunately, this is no longer available for download here.  Note that it would serve no purpose to re-upload it, so please don't. BUT, make sure to check out this website:  

Riven: The Sequel to Myst

Riven: The Sequel to Myst (1997)
(Modified on 2024-11-17 10:13:04)

Reenter the world first discovered in Rand and Ryan Miller's facinating world of Myst. This time, journey to a new Age of Riven and help Atrus search for his missing wife Catherine. Along the way you'll solve complex puzzles that span the...

Spaceship Warlock

Spaceship Warlock (1991)
(Modified on 2024-11-17 10:11:54)

Unlike most adventure games, Spaceship Warlock is not about solving puzzles or perfecting hand/eye coordination. Warlock is pure exploration that rewards players for using good old common sense. And Warlock offers plenty to explore: The game’s...

Space Sirens 2: Megababes from Ajia

Space Sirens 2: Megababes from Ajia (1995)
(Modified on 2024-02-17 17:50:01)

Space Sirens 2: Megababes from Ajia is an interactive adult title completely told from a first-person perspective. The many adult situations in this game feature nudity and graphic sex. Set in a futuristic sci-fi world, the beginning of the...

Tomb Raider: The Trilogy for Mac

Tomb Raider: The Trilogy for Mac (2001)
(Modified on 2023-05-08 21:25:29)

The first 3 Tomb Raider game's re-released as a limited edtion in 2001 as the first Angelina Jolie movie was approaching. Contains new patch fixes not in original versions as well as higher quality FMV's for Tomb Raider 1.

Barbie as the Princess Bride

Barbie as the Princess Bride (2000)
(Modified on 2024-08-19 16:43:24)

Barbie as Princess Bride introduces the player to a young Princess Barbie and her childhood friend, Prince Ken. The 2 grow up close together, fully intending to wed the day they come of age. One day, Prince Ken is called out to sea on a long...

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