Space Sirens 2: Megababes from Ajia

Shared by: Pete
On: 2017-05-12 08:24:52
Updated by: Amid
On: 2024-02-17 17:50:01
Other contributors: Zorgleuche , that-ben , TrollDuke
Rating: 10.00 Clarus out of 10 (3 votes)
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What is Space Sirens 2: Megababes from Ajia?

Space Sirens 2: Megababes from Ajia is an interactive adult title completely told from a first-person perspective. The many adult situations in this game feature nudity and graphic sex.

Set in a futuristic sci-fi world, the beginning of the game has the titular space sirens capturing the player's space craft. After an arcade segment where the player fights off a wave of aliens, the space sirens appear and incapacitate the protagonist. However, as he is a person of great respect and renowned, the space sirens are willing to spare his life if he is able to pleasure them sexually. Failure to do so means death.

The game play consists of interactive movies where the player must make the correct choices in order for his particular space siren to achieve orgasm. Using what Pixis describes as a TFUI (Touch Feel User Interface) players can manipulate the NPC in various different ways. Icons can be used in two different ways: the hand can stroke and massage or be used to remove clothing; the penis can be used in a standing position or a lying position. Furthermore, the NPC can be turned around 180 degrees for complete visibility.

Touching a body part with the respective icon at the right time will play a movie that will raise the siren's pleasure meter; when doing so at the wrong time the player will receive an admonition from the siren to slow down. If at any time the player reaches climax before the siren the player will lose one of his three turns.

 - (MobyGames)

Download Space Sirens 2: Megababes from Ajia for Mac

(460.36 MiB / 482.72 MB)
sirens2 - dsk - sit / compressed w/ Stuffit
273 / 2020-02-08 / 2024-02-17 / 1f064961001d0a45ab53fa1202ec73de18d21feb / /
(450.59 MiB / 472.47 MB)
sirens2 - dsk - zip / DSK image, zipped
245 / 2020-03-31 / 2024-02-17 / 7a24c783dd24903e430e2b0c13832e21356eb74c / /
(438.61 MiB / 459.92 MB)
/ compressed w/ Stuffit
438 / 2017-05-12 / 2024-02-17 / 1d850c10f1870775644115f827e274ac2addaead / /


68K + PPC (FAT)

System Requirements

From Mac OS 7.0 up to Mac OS 9.2

Compatibility notes

  • 68040 CPU or Faster
  • 8 MB RAM
  • System 7
  • Thousands of Colors Display
  • 2X CD-ROM

Emulating this? It could probably run under: Basilisk II

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