Found 15 software entries in Apple Lisa from category: Utilities

Lisa to Macintosh Migration Tools

Lisa to Macintosh Migration Tools (1984)
(Modified on 2019-02-18 02:33:33)

1st Download: Images in DART format 2nd Download: Images in IMG format To use: Power Lisa off and insert the disk Migrate1 then power Lisa on. Follow the prompts to install but do not erase the disk when the installer asks as this will prevent...

Lisa Office System 800K Driver

Lisa Office System 800K Driver (1985)
(Modified on 2024-08-16 03:34:01)

Disk images are in dc42 and DART format. Works with emulators and Floppy Emu. From the VintageMicros collection. This is a driver for the Lisa Office System that enables 800K Disk Support. Use it with 800K Disks , whether in Real Lisa or...

Lisa ToolKit 3.0

Lisa ToolKit 3.0 (1984)
(Modified on 2020-06-02 22:30:35)

dc42 format   Installation Instructions: Prerequisite: Lisa Workshop 3.0 With a Lisa 2, 2/5, and 2/10 the 3.5-Inch disk drive is identified as -#13- and Lisa’s internal hard disk is assigned as -#12. If you have a Lisa 2 or...

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