Final DOOM

Shared by: MR
On: 2014-04-14 22:56:16
Updated by: MR
On: 2023-12-08 08:29:22
Other contributors: ClickSlick
Rating: 9.67 Clarus out of 10 (3 votes)
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What is Final DOOM?

Ported by Lion Entertainment.

This is it. The end. The final chapter of the Doom series. It's Doom with two new 32-level episodes. It's time to finish what you started.

Evilution: Far from earth, the UAC recommenced their experiments on one of the moons of Jupiter. A spaceship, mistaken for a supply vessel on radar, hovered above the base. Hideous demons poured out, blanketing the base with death. All your comrades were quickly slaughtered or zombified. This time, it's not about survival. It's about revenge.

The Plutonia Experiment: Every effort has been made by the nation's top scientists to close the seven interdimensional Gates of Hell, but one portal remains open. Alone, you must infiltrate the ravaged complex, defeat the demon Gatekeeper and seal the last Hell-hole before the undead are prepared to, once again, take over the world.

Download Final DOOM for Mac

(17.56 MiB / 18.41 MB)
DMG image / DMG image, zipped
733 / 2018-04-17 / 2018-04-17 / eed6a0e2f9c9eee2e16d0c52dfd9212db75cfe20 / 04-20135 / /
(20.24 MiB / 21.22 MB)
MDS/MDF image / Zipped
97 / 2018-04-17 / 2018-04-17 / 995eac75d727586cfab566b30682c105b05dbaca / 04-20135 / /
(147.65 MiB / 154.83 MB)
Scans / Zipped
49 / 2018-04-17 / 2018-04-17 / f41760383eb1edb64aecda98bc82bb18af6e3a62 / 04-20135 / /
(17.55 MiB / 18.41 MB)
System 7.0 - 7.6 - Mac OS 9 / CDR image, zipped
401 / 2014-04-14 / 2018-04-17 / 701ee5c0beae7204646aee5089497ebaedc3b867 / /
(20.09 MiB / 21.06 MB)
/ BIN/CUE image / Zipped
23 / 2023-12-08 / d3eee166ad2711b55f7a80f26b2a3f8e4d97cacd / /


68K + PPC (FAT)

Compatibility notes

Minimum requirements

OS: 7.1
CPU: 68040, 68LC040, or PowerPC
HDD: 45 MB
CD: 1x speed

Recommended requirements

RAM: 12 MB
CD: 2x speed

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