Lazer Zone
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What is Lazer Zone? Lazer Zone is a small indie shareware action game that is quite hard to launch but once you get it going, it offers nice pre-rendered 3D graphics and pleasant sound effects. It plays a little bit like Tempest but it's not 3D. You control 2 shooters each on a side of a square and shoot bad guys coming in the middle. Version 1.0 and 1.3 seem to be 3 weeks apart in terms of modification date, but I could not tell the difference between the two versions.
Download Lazer Zone for Mac Architecture
System Requirements From Mac OS 8.0 up to Mac OS 8.6 Architecture: PPC At least 7MB of free RAM Mac OS 8.x Set your monitor to thousands of colors (16-bits) Note: Works perfectly fine (once you get it launched) under Mac OS 8.1 on SheepShaver (with a 4MB old world ROM). This does not run on Mac OS 9 at all. Tried under Mac OS 9.2.2 on a real iMac G3 and also under Mac OS 9.0.4 on SheepShaver. Sometimes, when you try to launch Lazer Zone, the game immediately crashes. If this happens, just reboot your computer and try again, it always works for me.
Emulating this? It could probably run under: SheepShaver |