Tempest 2000

Author: Jeff Minter
Publisher: Logicware
Type: Games
Category: 3rd Person , Arcade , Shooter
Shared by: MR
On: 2014-04-14 23:00:51
Updated by: MR
On: 2023-12-08 13:01:25
Other contributors: Amid
Rating: 10.00 Clarus out of 10 (2 votes)
Rate it: 12345678910

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  • Front Cover 
  • Back Cover 
  • Jaguar screenshot 

What is Tempest 2000?

A remake (originally for the Atari Jaguar) of the classic 1981 Atari arcade game by Dave Theurer.

"Tempest 2000 is a remake/upgrade of the popular Atari vector graphics-based shooter.

Blast your way through over 100+ levels, shooting the creatures that come out from the other side of the web to drag you in. Collect power-ups (jump, AI robots and more) to trippy graphics and colorful explosions as a thumping techno-house soundtrack blasts in the background.

Collect enough bonuses, and be subjected to two different types of bonus rounds as you navigate through rings, or try to ride a spiral tube.

Also included in the gameplay is an intense two-player mode to team up with or go head to head against another player, or even play a version of the original arcade game. There are four modes of gameplay in all: Traditional Tempest, Tempest Duel, Tempest Plus and Tempest 2000."

 - (MobyGames)

See also: Arashi

Download Tempest 2000 for Mac

(521.03 MiB / 546.34 MB)
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55 / 2018-09-12 / 2023-09-07 / 3a87b3344c53430403f485cbb1a31b7d261fb99f / /
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41 / 2014-04-14 / 2023-09-07 / 7170552806b41ad0844b9d25c42e611e20bc7715 / /
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122 / 2014-04-14 / 2023-09-07 / 357f46681aa7251a7b78a933601c9596bf2ba1ea / /
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2 / 2023-12-08 / 8b48f02c5593475f654b2e0144c9421c5bddb37e / /



System Requirements

From Mac OS 7.5 up to Mac OS 9.2

Compatibility notes

  • Minimum System Requirements:
    • Power Macintosh
    • System Software 7.5.3 or newer
    • 16 MB RAM
    • 5 MB free HD space for the game install
    • Apple Game Sprockets: DrawSprocket & InputSprocket

Emulating this? It could probably run under: Basilisk II

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