Mac OS X 10.4.0 for Mac Mini G4 1.25ghz and 1.42ghz (691-5455-A + 691-5499-A)

Shared by: MR
On: 2020-09-13 08:43:45
Updated by: that-ben
On: 2024-02-26 12:31:44
Other contributors: InkBlot
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(There's no video for Mac OS X 10.4.0 for Mac Mini G4 1.25ghz and 1.42ghz (691-5455-A + 691-5499-A) yet. Please contribute to MR and add a video now!)

  • 691-5455-A 
  • 691-5499-A 

What is Mac OS X 10.4.0 for Mac Mini G4 1.25ghz and 1.42ghz (691-5455-A + 691-5499-A)?

This is a third release restore DVD set for both the Mac Mini G4 1.25ghz and 1.42ghz models from early 2005 and it includes Mac OS X 10.4.0.  The part numbers are 691-5455-A and 691-5499-A

This restore DVD set includes this software:

  • GarageBand v2.0
  • iDVD v5.0.1
  • iMovie v5.0.2
  • iPhoto v5.0.1
  • iTunes v4.7.1
  • MarbleBlast Gold v1.5.4
  • Nanosaur 2 v1.1

Note: The first two release restore DVD sets for those models were the ones that included OSX 10.3.7 such as Mac OS X 10.3.7 (7T11)

If you need the restore DVD for the Mac Mini G4 1.33ghz and 1.5ghz from late 2005, then it's the one that includes Mac OS X 10.4.2 (8D40)


Download Mac OS X 10.4.0 for Mac Mini G4 1.25ghz and 1.42ghz (691-5455-A + 691-5499-A) for Mac

(4358.88 MiB / 4570.61 MB)
OSX 10.4 Mac Mini G4 1.25ghz and 1.42ghz - DVD 1 of 2 / Toast image
25 / 2024-02-26 / 2024-02-26 / 11b327ab311cd7cdb33e767005c4df99ecd1b236 / 691-5455-A / /
(8001.19 MiB / 8389.85 MB)
OSX 10.4 Mac Mini G4 1.25ghz and 1.42ghz - DVD 2 of 2 / Toast image
25 / 2024-02-26 / 5f06ecbe248100b323228c843ae844e9e8679a5b / 691-5499-A / /



Compatibility notes

Mac Mini G4 1.25ghz and 1.42ghz models from early 2005 only


Emulating this? It could probably run under: QEMU

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