Found 112 software entries in Games beginning with: "S" from category: Puzzle

Spin Doctor

Spin Doctor (1992)
(Modified on 2023-07-17 14:37:45)

Spin Doctor is a game in which you have a bar that constantly spins around a dot and you can attach/detach from dot to dot to navigate through the puzzle and collect bonuses. Spin Doctor isn't merely an arcade game; it is part strategy...


Shanghai (1986)
(Modified on 2024-11-17 10:59:42)

If you tend to be an obsessive person by nature, maybe you’d better not try Shanghai. It's kind of like eating potato chips—you won t want to play just once. Shanghai borrows elements from mahjongg and pick-up-sticks in equal...

Star Wars: Pit Droids

Star Wars: Pit Droids (1999)
(Modified on 2024-03-31 10:11:39)

Watto has purchased a new shipment of Pit Droids, and it is up to the player to get them to the Pod Racing arena, by guiding the droids through 300 puzzles of road blocks, spinning tiles of death and junk heaps. Players can also create their own...


Safecracker (1997)
(Modified on 2023-12-07 20:43:35)

Safecracker is a 1997 point and click adventure game published by Dreamcatcher Interactive and developed by Daydream Software for both PC and Mac OS computers. As an expert safecracker, you are hired by the wealthy family of a recently deceased...


Sliders (2000)
(Modified on 2022-12-18 13:51:34)

Sliders is a puzzle game in which you slide circles on a grid, cell by cell by clicking on a direction arrow all around its border.  The goal in Sliders is to match the preview grid arrangement picture in the lower/right corner of the...

Sloppy Sokoban

Sloppy Sokoban (2000)
(Modified on 2019-06-19 14:50:15)

A polished version of the 1982 classic puzzle game by Hiroyuki Imabayashi. Features game saving, copy and pasting of solutions, and hundreds of tough levels. The game also sports an original jazz soundtrack composed by Brendan Kibbee.


Snood (1995)
(Modified on 2024-10-03 21:42:02)

Snood v1.1, v2.1 and v3.0 are included together. Snood is a puzzle game which emphasizes thought rather than reflexes.  Your goal is to remove the Snoods from the playfield by launching other Snoods up at them via a cannon you aim with your...

Step On It! (aka Stepping Stones)

Step On It! (aka Stepping Stones) (1996)
(Modified on 2024-03-30 14:18:18)

A good arcade game excites in us those animal instincts of flight or fight. The best of them keep us poised between the two. Step On It!, Casady & Greene’s latest game, offers plenty of features devised to keep you on the...


S.C.OUT (1992)
(Modified on 2024-11-17 15:02:34)

S.C. OUT is set in a futuristic world where players assume the role of a highly skilled operative tasked with infiltrating a series of high-security installations. The narrative revolves around disabling security systems and overcoming complex...

Scholastic Animal Genius

Scholastic Animal Genius (2008)
(Modified on 2021-09-19 09:41:30)

Scholastic Animal Genius is a pack of 5 educational games for kids about animals. Challenge your animal IQ! Play games that test your animal smarts, quick thinking and instincts on your quest to win 25 animals that live in five different...

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