Found 5 software entries
beginning with: "Z"
from category: Text based
Zangband - a free roguelike computer role playing game which is based on Angband.
Zoom is an advanced player for interactive fiction stories written in four major formats: Z-Code, the format used by Infocom in the 1980s for games including Zork and Trinity, as well as new games written using the Inform language. Glulx, a...
Zork Anthology
You’re on the threshold of a whole new experience, for ahead of you is the extraordinary anthology of the Great Underground Empire!. Once you step through the door to Zork, you leave the world of arcade games and trite fantasies behind and...
ZIP∞ is an Infocom Z-code interpreter. It supports Infocom V1 to V5 and V8 Infocom and Inform games. It has support for sound, multiple fonts, Beyond Zork graphics font, and the QUETZAL common save format.
ZeX is an Infocom Z-Code interpreter for the Macintosh.
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