Found 241 software entries in Games from category: Role Playing Game (RPG)

Neverwinter Nights

Neverwinter Nights (2003)
(Modified on 2024-02-17 18:22:38)

A plague known as the Wailing Death is terrorizing the city of Neverwinter. Lady Aribeth summons an adventurer, who teams up with her fiance Fenthick Moss and his friend Desther to capture four monsters which are needed to prepare the cure. However,...

Scarab of Ra

Scarab of Ra (1987)
(Modified on 2022-12-18 14:19:57)

A turn-based, first-person 3D dungeon crawl. The only escape from the Pyramid of Ra is to gather the sun god's three relics, but the Scarab carries a curse...   A freak sandstorm in Egypt has uncovered the top of the Great Pyramid...


Oberin (2005)
(Modified on 2024-08-10 00:09:03)

Oberin is both the name of a MMORPG for Macintosh and the fantasy world in which it takes place. Wield a sword, bow, or other weapon, or take advantage of magic spells and potions. Go on adventures with other Oberin players. Oberin has its...


KnightShift (2005)
(Modified on 2023-12-07 20:47:26)

KnightShift (aka Once Upon a Knight, and Polanie II in Poland) is a hybrid of the RPG and the RTS genre. It features a highly fictionalised, fantasy version of the struggle between Slavic tribes. Curiously, the game's main...


Rogue (1985)
(Modified on 2023-09-11 09:45:17)

You can solve Rogue three dozen times and still never play the same game twice. That’s because the attributes of each treasure, such as a pink potion or a wooden staff, change every time you play — as does the map of each dungeon level....

Heroes of Might and Magic

Heroes of Might and Magic (1996)
(Modified on 2023-04-06 15:35:45)

As a hero of Might and Magic, you have the usual stuff on your plate: Explore the realm, recruit armies, build towns, learn spells, and find artifacts. So far, so good. Play is entertaining, the various armies grunt amusingly as they fight or die,...

World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft (2004)
(Modified on 2024-11-17 14:07:07)

Intent on settling the arid region of Durotar, Thrall's new Horde expanded its ranks, inviting the undead Forsaken to join orcs, tauren, and trolls. Meanwhile, dwarves, gnomes and the ancient night elves pledged their loyalties to a...

Traitors Gate

Traitors Gate (1999)
(Modified on 2024-11-17 10:13:13)

Traitors Gate, the new 3D point-and-click adventure in the mold of Myst and The 7th Guest, should remain forever locked as a punishment for its tedious gameplay. The game asks players to assume the role of special operative Raven, taking on a...

Black & White Platinum Pack

Black & White Platinum Pack (2002)
(Modified on 2024-08-06 18:46:45)

Black & White Create Isle is a god type of game in which you incarnate god and raise a tribe. From Wikipedia: Black & White combines elements of artificial life and strategy. The player acts as a god whose goal is to defeat Nemesis,...

Curse of Dragor

Curse of Dragor (1995)
(Modified on 2024-01-11 11:32:13)

A Mac-exclusive RPG. For generations the land of Xorinth has prospered under the wise rule of King Meridian and the Hexaemeron Council. Adept in powers of white and black magic the people of Xorinth have lived a peaceful existence. Many...


Hack (1987)
(Modified on 2023-12-29 19:33:53)

Hack is the precursor to NetHack, both members of the family of text-based Rogue-like games. Like other roguelikes, Hack is the quintessential computer role-playing game (RPG): Choose a character class and venture forth into...


Moria (1993)
(Modified on 2023-12-29 19:15:32)

Moria is a member of the roguelike RPGs. It features several innovations, like a town level and dungeons levels that are bigger than one screen, and was the first open-source and freeware roguelike. The goal of Moria is...

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