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Apple keyboards and buttons, which key is what.

Category: How to
Composed by: OxYGeN
On: 2023-07-13 11:11:00

Ok, where are the buttons and what do they look like?


1. Command Button (⌘): The Command button, denoted by the ⌘ symbol, is a key that is unique to Apple keyboards. It is typically located on either side of the spacebar, next to the Control button. The Command button is widely used for keyboard shortcuts in Macintosh systems.

2. Option Button (⌥): The Option button, also known as the Alt button, is represented by the ⌥ symbol. On Macintosh keyboards, you can find the Option button on either side of the spacebar, next to the Command button.

3. Control Button (⌃): The Control button, denoted by the ⌃ symbol, is located on either side of the spacebar, next to the Option button. The Control button is used in combination with other keys to perform specific actions or access certain features.

It's important to note that the exact placement and labeling of these buttons may vary slightly depending on the specific model of the classical Macintosh or modern Apple keyboard. However, they are typically located in close proximity to the spacebar and are easily identifiable by their unique symbols.

Below you can see some differences that are used on various models of keyboards.

Command Button (⌘)


Alt/Option Button (⌥)


Control Button (⌃)


Power Button (◁ )

Eject Button ( ⧋ )