Found 9 software entries
from category: Calculator
iCount Folder
iCount is a desktop calculator. Unlike any other desktop calculators, it jumps way beyond that old Mac calculator with a variable size calculator that can perform regular, scientific or statistical functions. Multi-function desktop calculator,...
HearCalc is a nifty calculator that makes use of Apple's English Speech Recognition (© Apple Computer). To use HearCalc, follow these steps: 1. Install Apple Text-To-Speech (aka PlainTalk), Apple Speech Recognition, and Applescript. 2....
Extended Calculator II 2.01
Extended Calculator II is an advanced calcular for 1990's Macs, featuring graph, scientific and layman interfaces.
Dt Calculator
Features: RPN ( Reverse Polish Notation ). Four registers in stack and 20 additional registers (R00-R19). Fixed, scientific and engineering number formats. Angle units: degrees, radians. Saving of...
BaseToBase (v1.0) is a RPN (Reverse Polish Notation) Calculator DA (Desk Accessory) the for Macintosh. It features a four element stack that operates in the same manner as those found in HP calculators. BaseToBase can handle arithmetic...
HP48sx utilities (link, dev, etc ...)
Twelve-C Demo
This is a demonstration version of the Twelve-C™ Financial Desk Acessory. It emulates an HP-12C, a programmable financial calculator.
dCAD Calculator
A Desk Accessory scientific calculator The calculator supports two basic modes of operation. In the Scientific (default) mode, trigonometric and logarithmic functions, as well as scientific notation, factorials, and several other...
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