Found 6 software entries in Applications beginning with: "Q" from category: Numbers & Spreadsheets

Quicken 3.0

Quicken 3.0 (1991)
(Modified on 2024-12-10 20:24:51)

Managing personal finances has never been easier than with the latest version of Quicken. Version 3.0 delivers a slew of valuable new features, including the ability to handle more than 200 separate account types in one life, unlimited transaction...

Quicken 2003

Quicken 2003 (2002)
(Modified on 2023-09-04 13:12:40)

Quicken 2003 is one of the iterations from the Quicken reknown finance software.  Quicken lets you organize your personal or business expenses, track checks, etc... Money management either floats your boat or sinks it. Either way,...

Quicken Deluxe 98

Quicken Deluxe 98 (1998)
(Modified on 2023-04-27 16:16:25)

Quicken Deluxe ’98 — the name harks back to the old Match Game quiz show. Match Game 72, Match Game 73 — each year promised bigger stars and more risque questions. But Fannie Flagg wasn’t much of an improvement over Charles...

Quicken 4.0

Quicken 4.0 (1993)
(Modified on 2023-03-01 21:55:26)

For many of us, balancing checkbooks, paying bills, and figuring out household finances keeps getting more complex. Quicken 4 makes these chores easier, quicker, and better organized. And Quicken 4 does what I wish all software would do: it turns...

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