Found 3 software entries
beginning with: "C"
from category: Plugins & Filters
ColorSafe 1.6
ColorSafe™ is a Photoshop filter plug-in that provides sophisticated, interactive color pickers, which extend the Web-safe palette to millions of non-dithering hybrid colors and patterns. Any one who creates images for the Web, needs...
Convert to B/W Pro (Photoshop plug-in)
Convert to B/W Pro is a Photoshop plug-in which enables you to control the color to black & white conversion of digital images. It mimics the processes of conventional black & white photography. It is aimed at advanced photographers or...
Tired of your dull, lifeless, hazel eyes? Think your complexion is too light? Well, before grabbing a pair of colored contacts or trying out a no-sun tanning lotion only to find that it turns your skin a hideous bright orange, take a look at...
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