Found 657 software entries
from category: Reference
Godzilla Movie Studio Tour
EarthPlot 2.0
EarthPlot renders a B&W earth plot picture under given latitude, longitude and altitude values. Takes several seconds just to redraw the earth image... Kind of the ancestor of Google Maps! :P EarthPlot, a public-domain program by...
Your Apple Tour of the Macintosh II - Operating Your Computer
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Wikipedia Reader
Wikipedia Reader - An encyclopedia for classic MacOS Wikipedia Reader is an unofficial client to access Wikipedia's API to fetch encyclopedia articles and live search results and display them. It is written on and for...
Starry Night Backyard
A legacy astronomy application packed with information on what the sky at night will look like (without any clouds) from anywhere in the world on any date (within reason). "You can witness a total eclipse from the moon, watch the sun from the...
Microsoft Bookshelf 96/97 Edition
Multimedia Cats: The Complete Interactive Guide to Cats
Microsoft Encarta '98
Microsoft® Encarta® 98 Encyclopedia Deluxe for the Mac Overview Encarta Encyclopedia Deluxe Edition is an award-winning multimedia encyclopedia that combines current, comprehensive content with the most up-to-date multimedia technology to...
Mac Bible
Weird is an "Interactive multimedia exploration of the supernatural, the unexplained and the mysterious". You are immersed within a 3D environment to explore like a museum. Seek out interesting stories, images, sound clips and...
Microsoft Bookshelf 98 Reference Library
100 Tales of Yokai Monsters
Extraterrestrials: The Final Conspiracy
An "educational" software about aliens, developed by Australian multimedia company Eurekamedia and distributed by Nodtronics. This title contains a large amount of information and documents about assumed alien...
Microsoft Encarta 97 Deluxe
You’re fascinated by the War of 1812 (you big nerd) so you fire up Encarta for a map of the key battle sites. Go ahead and click around, but don’t expect anything to happen, not even for the sites that are written about in other...
Compton's Interactive Encyclopedia: 1998 Edition
Microsoft Dangerous Creatures
Accu-Weather Forecaster 2.2
68 - Eine Weltrevolution
Eine CD-Rom mit kleinem Textheft zu 1968 Die CD-Rom '68 - eine Weltrevolution gibt das Ausmass, die Gleichzeitigkeit und die Verbreitung der Ereignisse, Ideen und Haltungen wieder, die das Jahr 1968 weltweit und Kulturen übergreifend...
Japanese Teacher 1.2/2.0
Japanese Teacher is a study utility for students of Japanese. The student enters words into a dictionary file using Japanese Teachers easy-to-use Romanji-To-Kana system and Japanese Teacher provides several study tools. Japanese system software such...
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