Found 24 software entries
from category: Benchmarking
MacBench 5.0 CD
MacBench 5.0 CD
Speedometer 3.x
Speedometer is a benchmarking suite for 68K Macs. Speedometer allows to run benchmarking tests on hardware, such as hard disk, CPU, RAM, etc... and it lets you compare results, show graphs and various hardware information about your old...
Geekbench 2.2.7 PPC and Intel
Geekbench is a very competent benchmarking tool for PC and Mac. It can provide very accurate benchmarks, let you see how big of a performance boost you gave your PC or Mac with an upgrade, and is just more accurate than other benchmarking software....
CineBench R11.5 (11.529)
An older version of very popular multi-platform CPU benchmarking tool. The benchmarks consists of modelling, rendering, animation tasks. It can be used to test single threaded and multithreaded performance of CPU. There's also GPU benchmark...
MacBench 4.0
Geekbench 2.2.0
Geekbench 2.2.0 for Mac (PPC and Intel) is the last version to suport Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger. Offical download from Primate Labs Blog Post found...
CineBench R10
Start Your Engines! MAXON CINEBENCH R10 is here to put your hardware to the test. What Is MAXON CINEBENCH? CINEBENCH is a real-world test suite that assesses your computer's performace capabilities. MAXON CINEBENCH is based on...
CineBench R9.5
CINEBENCH is the free benchmarking tool for Windows and Mac OS based on the powerful 3D software CINEMA 4D. Consequently, the results of tests conducted using CINEBENCH 9.5 carry significant weight when analyzing a computer’s performance...
Speedometer 4.x
Speedometer 4 is the PowerPC native successor to Speedometer 3 which is a benchmarking suite for 68K Macs.
QuickBench Classic
MacBench 3.0
Drive benchkarming.
Speed Profiler 1.8.1
ThroughPut 1.x
QuickBench 4.0
Little hard disk performance benchmark.
CineBench 2000
Ravebench 1.12 allows to test the capabilities of Quickdraw 3D RAVE accelerators.
Shows the speeds of the hard drive and all recording devices; for the latter, the speeds are determined using the "Burn Test", which simulates a burning process on a CD or DVD (DVD-R only) or measures the transfer rate from the hard disk...
Speedometer 4.02
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