Found 22 software entries
from category: Desk Accessories
neko DA
Desk Accessory Set a pattern to match (simple regex grep) inside text files, and/or perform a word count Hiding under the cryptic name of Grep-Wc is a handy DA that reads and counts words in text and MacWrite files, You can use it to read...
Art Grabber with Body Shop
Art Grabber with Body Shop is a desk accessory that lets users browse MacPaint documents, selecting and copying as they choose, Selections can be larger than screen size. Also included are MacPaint documents and templates to allow the creation of...
Tea Time
DA Sampler
Artisto 1.4.1 (DA)
Artisto is a desk accessory of the "Paint Cutter" variety. Artisto allows you to open up a MacPaint document from inside any program that supports desk accessories and select any portion of the image and copy it to the clipboard....
acur Player DA
Lots of Desk Accessories
An interactive spelling checker that has a dictionary of over 30,000 words and allows you to add over 2500 more. The program also provides a thesaurus and a word hyphenation feature. MacSpell+ is installed as a desk accessory in MacWrite, so you...
Desk Accessory Mover including Smart Quotes 2.7
Font/DA Juggler +
FlashWrite ][
Twelve-C Demo
This is a demonstration version of the Twelve-C™ Financial Desk Acessory. It emulates an HP-12C, a programmable financial calculator.
QRead Is a DA miniEditor for viewing any files as text, somewhat like the Unix command "string" does. You can use it as a quick reader of any files, or a text editor with basic text editing abilities.
BaseToBase (v1.0) is a RPN (Reverse Polish Notation) Calculator DA (Desk Accessory) the for Macintosh. It features a four element stack that operates in the same manner as those found in HP calculators. BaseToBase can handle arithmetic...
Dt Calculator
Features: RPN ( Reverse Polish Notation ). Four registers in stack and 20 additional registers (R00-R19). Fixed, scientific and engineering number formats. Angle units: degrees, radians. Saving of...
WriteFontSize is a desk accessory (DA) for the Macintosh. Character ASCII lookup and display, plus char map
A suite of Desk Accessory pseudo applications: MockChart (Spreadsheet+Chart) MockPrinter (Prints text files) MockTerminal (Garbage scroller) MockWrite (Text editor)
Borland Sidekick 1.10B
Sidekick is a set of desk organization applications and accessories. Functions include phone dialer and logger, desk accessory terminal, calculator, clock, editor and more. When required resource files are included modules take up a lot of disk...
dCAD Calculator
A Desk Accessory scientific calculator The calculator supports two basic modes of operation. In the Scientific (default) mode, trigonometric and logarithmic functions, as well as scientific notation, factorials, and several other...
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