2000 Shareware Fonts for Mac
On: 2017-08-24 18:37:50
On: 2022-09-11 06:53:40
(There's no video for 2000 Shareware Fonts for Mac yet. Please contribute to MR and add a video now!)
大约 2000 种共享软件和公共领域字体,适用于 68K Mac,全部日期在 1985 年至 1993 年之间。有些是 TrueType,有些是后脚本,有些是位图字体,有些是系统字体手提箱...这是一个巨大的混合包,但在这个档案中肯定有很好的宝藏。文档通常不包括在内,但某些字体带有自述文件。
- 艾莉 森
- 阿奇梅迪姆
- 建筑师
- 犰狳
- ATM Fix-It Ki
- 黑森林
- 博迪德利博尔德夫
- 布莱顿博尔德
- 子弹
- 卡奈特夫
- 字符映射表1
- 陈查理
- 国际象棋字体
- 切斯特
- 经典意大利
- 经典机枪手
- 古典罗马
- 可口可乐
- 构造分数字体
- 库内方特
- 代托纳
- 丁蝙蝠
- 杜兰戈
- 埃尔加雷特
- 百科全书字体
- 浮士德
- 火石
- 未来冲击二
- 戈登
- 图形光
- 希伯来丰
- 赫利维蒂察
- 图标
- 国际符号
- 凯瑟琳
- 小孩科尔纳
- 激光伦敦
- 伦敦
- 马丘曼
- 医生
- 迈阿密之夜
- 米德尔顿
- 莫巴茨
- 新富尔
- 新六黑
- 新六之光
- 新三
- Neutwo 规则
- 纽约
- 光学字符识别
- 奥斯瓦尔德
- 奥斯瓦尔德黑 PS 字体
- 帕克港
- 比萨
- 预薄
- 普里斯马
- 量子
- 理查德·默里
- 罗琴科
- 沙洛姆
- 鲨鱼牙 2
- 休克
- Shpfltnat vers.1.1
- 平板字体
- 倾斜非正式
- 圣
- 斯大林格勒
- 状态字体
- 模版
- 斯图加特
- Style
- Sunset
- Tech
- Thomas
- Times
- Toulolau
- Trent
- Trondheim
- UpperWestSide
- UppWestSide
- Zirkle
Image fonts:
- 42nd_Street_36
- Aberdeen12-24
- Abu_Dhabi_24
- Agua_Mundo
- Akashi_12
- Alameda9-24
- Albuquerque_24-36
- Aldous_12-36
- Alexis_14
- Alexis_24
- Alice_12
- AltaVista_12-24
- Amdahl_18-36
- Andover_12
- AnnArbor_18
- APL_12-24
- Apple_18
- Arabesque_9-24
- Arabian_Nites_24
- Arabic
- Armonk_12-24
- Art_Deco_9-36
- Ascham_9-12
- ASCII_12
- ASCII_18
- ASL_Fingers_14-36
- Astaire_9-24
- Athens_12-72
- Athinai_12
- Atlantic_City_36
- Atlantis_12-24
- Austin_Math
- Babylon_9-18
- Bagdad_12-24
- Baltimore_24
- BarCode39_9-14
- Basel_48
- Bauhaus_10-20
- Bellevue_9-10
- Beneventana
- Bengali
- Berkeley_18
- Berlin_12
- Beverley_Hills
- Bike_Font
- Black_Chancery
- BlackShadow_48
- Blockbuster_36
- Bolzano_12-24
- Border_12
- BostonII
- Bouton_24
- Boxie_10
- Braille
- Braille_24
- Brennero_12-24
- Briem_14
- Broadway_24
- Brook_9-18
- Brooklyn_12
- BrownBagFonts
- Bubbles_14_24
- Bugatti_18
- Cairo_18-36
- Callisto_18
- Camelot_12_24
- Canberra_12-24
- Candy_12
- Canterbury_14
- Carroll_12
- Cartoon_12
- Cavanaugh_18-36
- Celtic_12-72
- Centura_9-36
- Century_18-24
- Chancery_24
- Charleston_10-24
- Chem_12
- Cheryl_12
- Chi-nite
- Chicago_Gothic
- Chicago_Symbol
- Circuits_14
- Circus_12-36
- Cirth_48
- Clairvaux
- Clinton_24
- Cologne_10-20
- Colophon_Greek
- Color_Fonts
- Columbia 27-48
- Columbia
- Columbia_1
- Colville_9
- Components_18
- Congo_12-24
- Coos_9
- Copenhagen_9-24
- Coptic_10-20
- Courier_9
- Courier_LQ
- Cream_10-12
- Creamy_10-24
- Cuno_14
- Cupertino_12-24
- Cursive_12
- Cyril_12
- Cyrillic_12
- Cyrillic_II_12
- Czech_12-24
- Dali_24
- Dancingmen_12
- DaytonMath_2
- Deep_Box_36
- Delaware_18
- Demographics_36
- Demotic_20
- Detroit_24
- Devanagari_12
- Digital_24
- Digits_14
- Dodge_City_12
- Doodiddles
- Dots_24
- Dover_10-12
- Dover_8-12
- Dover_Prop_12
- Dover_PS_12
- Down_Under_12
- Dragon_24
- DropCap_24
- Durango
- EastOrange_12
- Einstein
- Electronics_12
- Elite
- Elite_12
- Ellesmere_10-28
- Elvish_12
- Eon_12
- Epsilon_12
- Equation_9-24
- Erie_12-24
- FabFraction
- Fairfield_9
- FallingWater_24
- Fancy_Caps_72
- Fargo_48
- Finney_12-24
- Fletcher_12-24
- Floorplan_9-3
- Florence_12-14
- Flowscript_24-48
- Footnotes_12
- Future_9-24
- Gangsters_18
- Garbage_9-12
- Gdansk_9-24
- GENEVA_5-6
- GENEVA_7-8
- Geneva_Tiny
- GenFracXR
- Genji_24-48
- GenMath_9-24
- Genmin_10-24
- Genoa_12-24
- German_NY_12-24
- Ghothic_12
- Giants_18
- Gibson_24
- Gilbert_72
- Gilbert_Shelton_72
- Gillies_24
- Godfrey_12-24
- Graffico_9-24
- Grafik_12
- Grail_24
- Greece_9-24
- Greek_10-36
- Greenbay_18
- Gregs_Czech_12-24
- Haifa_12
- Ham_14
- Hamburg_24
- Hammerskjold_14
- Hanford_12-24
- Hangul_3
- Hangul_3 Folder
- Happy_Canyon_9-24
- Harmal_10-20
- Herford_9-28
- Hex_City
- Hi_Tech_9-24
- Highwood_10-24
- Hindi-Kanchi
- Hiragana_24
- Hollywood_18
- Hollywood_36-48
- Hollywood_Thin_24
- Hombre_18
- Honda_18-24
- Hood_River_12
- Houston_36
- Hunt_18
- Infocom_36
- Io_10-14
- Isengard_18
- IvyLeague18
- Joe_Clement_72
- Jones_18
- Journey_12
- Juneau_9-24
- Kana
- Kendall_12-24
- Keosaqua_9
- Keyboard
- Kim_Diecth_72
- Klingon_24-48
- Knik_Elite_9-18
- Knik_Pica_9-18
- Knik_PS_9-18
- Koln_10-20
- Korean
- Kossack_12
- kroY_weN_12
- Kutaisi_10
- Kyiv
- L.A._12-24
- L.I._Outline_24
- Lachine_I
- Lachine_II
- Lambda_18-24
- Lansing_24
- Laredo_12-24
- Larr_12
- Las_Vegas_36
- LasVegas_36
- Latinica_10
- Latvian_12
- Lawrence
- LC_72
- Leavenworth_36
- LED_24
- Leningrad_24
- Leroy_12-24
- Lilliput_9-18
- Lineal_18
- Lionheart_14
- Little_Box_18
- Littlelat_9
- Lo_Tech_9-24
- Long_Island_12-18
- LosAngeles_12-24
- Lothlorien_12
- Luxor_18
- MacInHebrew2
- MacPaint_12-24
- MacPaint_18
- MacSymbols_12-24
- Madeira_9-20
- Madrid_18-24
- Mammoth_18
- Manhattan_12
- Manitowoc_14-36
- Manteca_18-24
- Marie_12
- MarinCounty_24-48
- Mars_18
- McCloud_36
- Mcxeta_10
- Melrose_12
- Memphis_24
- Mendocino_12
- Meranda_9-28
- Metropolis_12
- MGX_12
- Microgramma_10-36
- Microsoft_14
- Mike_24
- Milano_12-24
- Milwaukee_10-36
- Minneapolis_18-36
- MiscPix_24
- Mishawaka_7-9
- MisPic_24
- Mobile_18
- Moria_12-48
- Mos_Eisley_12-24
- Moskva_9-24
- Motown
- Music
- Nampa_9
- Nasa_24-48
- Neon_24
- NeueTelu
- NewEngland_12
- Newsline_36-48
- NFL_18-36
- Nordic_9-24
- norilsk_12-24
- Norwood_24-48
- Nova_Roma_12
- NovJorko_9-36
- NY_Nights_12-24
- Obliqe_12-18
- Office_24
- Old_English_18
- Old_Gaelic_9
- Old_Slavonic_12
- Old_West_36
- Omega_24
- Omnibus_12-24
- Optima_10-24
- Oslo_9
- Ouray_12-24
- Padova_12-24
- Paint
- Palo_Alto_10-20
- Parisian_14-24
- Park_Avenue_18
- Pasco_12-24
- Patti_18
- PD_Mac_12-24
- People_Fonts
- PeriodicTable
- Phi_Display_18-24
- Philadelphia_9-24
- Philly_12
- Phoenix_12-14
- Pica_10-20
- Pierce_24
- Pioneer_Shadow_9
- Pittsburgh_12-36
- Playbill
- Pleasant_Plain_9
- Poker_20
- Poughkeepsie_9
- Premiere_24
- Princeton_2
- Quebec_12
- Ravenna_12-24
- Rehovot_10-24
- Relief_18-36
- Rivendell_14
- Rome_18-36
- Runes_12-24
- Russian_10-20
- Salamis_10-20
- SanQuentin_24
- Santa_Monica_24
- Santiago_12
- Saturn_18
- Scan_48
- Scarsdale_10-18
- Secret_24
- Shadow_Box_36
- Shoppe_24
- Sigma_12-24
- Silicon_Val_12
- Silicon_Valley_10-20
- Sinfonia
- Siuslaw_12
- Small_9-12
- Smolensk_12
- Speech_10-24
- SquareSerif_12-24
- SriLanka_10-18
- Stafford_10-12
- Star_Trek_12-48
- StarFleet_9-24
- States_24
- Stencil_12-24
- Stiletto_12-48
- Sudo_Avant_12
- Symbol_12
- Tempe_12-24
- Thai_24-48
- Tiffany_24-48
- Tiny_12
- Tombstone_10-24
- Toronto_12
- Toyland
- TrekFont_12
- Trekkies_18
- Tucson_10
- Ultra_12-24
- Uncial_18
- Vegas_48
- Venus_14
- Volga_Inline_18-24
- Volga_Italic_18
- Wartburg
- WhiteShadow_10-48
- William_Blake_12
- Write_12
- Zimbabwe_24
- Zurich_10-24
Laser printer fonts:
- Airbrush
- Alison Font
- Anti Particle L. Font
- AntiParticle
- ArchimedesBorder Font (Demo)
- ArchiMedium
- ArchiSample
- Architect
- ArchitectFont
- Armadillo.Font
- Athens
- BarcodeCode39
- Bill's Dingbats
- Black Chancery
- BrightonBold
- Bubble
- Bullets&Boxes
- Calligraph
- Calligraphy Fonts
- Canaith
- CarolesChunk
- Casino Font
- Castle
- Century AppleFont
- Champagne Font
- Chancery L. Fonts
- Chester
- Chi Town
- Chicago Symbols
- Chrome Font
- ClassicaHeavy
- ClassicaItalic
- ClassicaRoman
- CocaCola
- Cornwall
- Cuneiform
- Daytona L. Font
- Deusex
- Dickens Font
- Draftsman Laser Font
- Drop Cap Font
- EncycloFont
- Faustus
- Flintstone
- FreshScript Font
- GE LaserWriter
- Gordon
- Gray Helvetica
- Hamburg
- Headliner
- Hebrew · Roshem
- Hebrew · Vilner
- Helvetica Fractions
- HGDSSansSerif
- HiTechHGDS
- IBMKlone
- IglooLaser
- International Symbols
- International
- Kabel Font
- Kathlita
- Laser London
- Lauderdale
- Louisville
- LW Fonts
- Lynz
- MacHumaine
- MiamiDemi
- MiamiNights
- MiniPics Font
- ModernPrintBold
- Montague Font
- NBC Laser Fonts
- NewGarrett
- Nuwav
- OCR Font
- OCR LsrFnt
- ParkHaven
- Polo Semiscript Folder
- PostScriptions!
- Princeton
- Prisma
- RichardMurray
- Rodchenko
- SansSerif
- Scrap Font
- Searchlight
- SharpFlatNatural
- Shpfltnat
- SketchDemo
- Slant
- Stalingrad
- Style
- Stymie
- Sunset Laser Fonts
- ThinTimes
- Thomas
- Tifanny
- Tiny Helvetica L. Font
- ToulouseLautrec
- ToyBlockSampler
- Trondheim
- Utility City +
- UtilSamp
Screen fonts:
- 2-Styles Fonts for HC
- 42nd Street
- ABA Dump
- Aberdeen
- Abu Dhabi
- Agua Mundo
- Akashi
- Alabama
- Alameda
- Alcatraz
- Alexandria
- Alexis
- Alice
- AltaVista
- Amdahl
- Amslan
- Andover
- Apple Motherfont
- Apple
- Arabesque
- Arabic 12
- Armonk
- Asátrú
- Ascham
- Ascii City
- ASCII full
- Athens 12.36
- Atlanta/12
- Austin
- Baby Teeth
- Balloon
- Baltimore
- Banner
- Basel
- Bauhaus
- Beach Bold
- Beneventana
- Benguiat Other
- Berkeley
- Berlin
- Beverly Hills
- Bezerkley
- Black Chancery
- Black Shadow 48
- Block
- Bolzano
- Boolingbrooke
- Borderlines
- Boston 48
- Boston II
- Boston Light
- Boutón
- Bracton
- Braille+
- Brennero
- Bridgewater
- Briem
- Brighton
- Broadway
- Brooklyn
- Bubbles
- Buckingham
- Cairo 36
- Cairo+Mobile
- Calendar Font
- Calisto
- Callisto
- Cambridge 36
- Camelot
- Canberra
- Candy
- Canterbury
- Canyon
- Cartoon
- Cavanaugh
- Celtic
- Centura
- Century
- Chancery
- ChanceryItalic
- Charleston
- Chem
- Chicago 9,14,18,24
- Chicago by Night
- Chicago Gothic
- ChordSymbol
- Ciao Int'l
- Circuits
- Circus
- Clairvaux III
- Clairvaux
- Cleveland
- Clinton
- Cobar Peedy
- Cologne
- Columbia
- Colville
- Components
- Compress-it Font
- Cooper
- Coptic 10&20
- Cream
- Creamy
- Cross
- Crossfire
- Cursive
- Cyrillic
- Dakar
- Dali
- Dark Kaps
- Dayton
- DC Dialog
- Deck
- Deep Box
- Delaware
- Demographics
- Demotic 20
- Detroit
- Devanagary
- Dér
- Diacritics
- Dictaphone
- Digital
- Digits
- Dodge City
- Doodads
- Dots
- Dover
- Dragon
- Drawing
- DropCap
- DurangoFont
- East Orange
- EditorFonts
- Edmonton
- Egyptian
- Einstein
- Electronics
- Elmhurst
- Eon
- Exeter
- Fabulous Fractions
- Fairfield
- Fantaste
- Fargo
- Finney
- Fletcher
- Floor Plan
- Font Terms
- Fontdoo
- Friz Quadrata Bold
- FtChilcon (SysFont)
- Futura
- Future
- Gaelic
- Garbage
- Garland 2.0
- GE Screen Fonts 2.0
- Geneva 3,4,6
- Geneva 5.22
- Genji
- Genoa
- GGB Greek
- Gibson
- Gillies
- Glencoe
- Gothic
- Grafik
- Grail
- Greek
- Haifa
- Ham
- Hamilton
- Hammerskjold
- Hanford
- Happy Canyon
- Harmal
- Hebrew
- HebrewMath
- Helvetica [big]
- Helvetica
- Hex City
- hi tech
- Hodges
- Honda
- Hopkins
- Hunt
- I*M Font
- IBM Klone
- Icon 2
- Icon
- ImageWRITER font
- International
- Io
- Iowa Fonts
- Ivy League
- Japanese
- Japanese
- Jobs
- Jones
- Journey
- Joyce
- Kalona
- Kana (Japanese)
- Kappa Bold
- Karakters
- KånchiNR
- Kendall
- Keokuk
- Killarney
- Kim
- Kingsbury
- Kish
- Klingon
- Korean
- Kossack
- Kronur
- kroY weN
- Kutaisi
- L.A.
- L.I. Outline
- LakeGeneva
- Lambda
- Lamoni
- Lansing
- Larr 12
- Latinica
- Latvian [1]
- LB Helvetica Black
- Leavenworth
- LED numbers
- Leningrad
- Leon
- Leroy
- Lex
- Lilliput
- Lines Font
- Linguanational
- Little Box
- London 36
- Los Angeles
- Low Tech
- Luxor
- Lyre
- MacChemistry
- MacDraws
- MacInHebrew
- MacPaint
- Madison
- Maiden
- Mammoth
- Manhattan
- Marie
- Marin County
- Marlboro
- Mars
- Math 12,24
- Math
- Math1
- McCloud
- McXeta
- Melrose
- Memphis
- Mendocino
- Meranda
- Metropolis
- Microgramma
- Microsoft
- Mike
- Millenia
- Mishawaka
- Modern Computer
- Monaco(2.1.2)
- Monaco.
- Monogram
- Moria
- Moscow 24
- Moscow II
- Moscow
- Moskva
- Mozart
- MultiFont
- Muscatine
- Music (4)
- Music 24
- MuslerMachine
- München
- Nampa
- Neon
- NeueTelu
- New Geneva
- New Hiragana
- New Monaco
- New York 36,48,72
- New York 72
- NewEngland
- Newton
- NiceCaps
- Norilsk
- Norwood
- Nova Roma
- NoviEboraci
- NY Nights
- Oblique
- Office
- Old Church Slavonic
- Omega
- Omnibus
- Orn Arabic
- Ornamental Arabic
- Ornate
- Osaka
- Oslo
- Ottawa
- Palatini
- Palo Alto 12,24
- Park Avenue 18
- Parker
- Parkhouse
- Parsons
- Peignot Bold
- Peignot
- Pensacola
- Peterson fonts
- Phi Display
- Philadelphia
- Philly
- Philo Roman
- Phoenix
- Pica(Courier)
- Pica
- Pierce
- Pioneer Shadow
- Pisa
- Pittsburgh
- Playbill
- Pleasant Plain
- Poker
- Poughkeepsie
- Prague
- Premiere
- Princeton
- Proxy
- Punjabi
- Quebec
- Raleigh
- Rangers
- Ravenna
- Rehovot
- Remington
- Rho Semibold
- Rio
- Rivenna
- Río Umbrío
- Robust
- Rome
- Runes
- Russell Square
- Samalis
- San Francisco 18
- San Quentin
- Sans Serif
- Santa Monica
- Santiago
- Santiam
- Saturn
- Scarsdale
- Schematic
- Script
- Seattle
- Secret
- Secretive
- Seine
- Semaphore
- Sequoyah
- Serif
- Shard
- Showker Script 60
- Sigma
- Signal Flags
- Silicon Valley
- Siloam
- Siuslaw
- Skinny
- Slokum
- Small
- Smolensk
- Spartan
- Spindle 24
- Spokanne
- Square Serif
- Sri Lanka
- St. Petersburg
- Star Trek 12,18,24,36
- States
- Stencil Font
- Stencil
- Stencilette
- Sudo Avant
- Surfer
- Swan Song
- Symbols 36
- Tamil
- Tank
- Tbilisi
- Tech Fonts
- Teeny
- Template
- Textards
- Thai Fonts
- Thames
- Tiajuana
- Tiffany
- Tile
- Times [big]
- Tiny
- Tinytown
- Tolkein fonts
- Tolkien
- Tombstone
- Torino
- TorontoFix
- Toyland 1
- Toyland 2
- Treemont
- Troyes
- Tryst
- Tucson
- Ultra Bodoni
- Ultra
- Uncial
- UpTown
- Vectors
- Venice 12
- Venice Light
- Venice.
- Venus
- Very Tall
- Vilne
- Volga
- Wall Street
- Walla Walla
- Walla Walloon
- Warren
- Warwick S&T
- Washington
- White Plains
- White Shadow 48
- Williamsburg
- Willowdale/Toronto
- Worksheet
- Write
- Yaquina
- Yerkes
- York Font
- Zodiac
- Zürich
The rest of the fonts:
- Aarcover TT
- AaronSerif
- AddLPrep
- Akirnberg-ScrTT
- Albatross TrueType
- Alias font
- American Uncial.TT
- Amslam
- Andesite TT Fonts
- AOL Font Fix for 7
- Apollo.TT
- Architect
- Architect1
- Arctic
- AshleyTT
- AvantGarTT
- BeanieTrueType
- Befflett
- BellBottomTT
- Bellerose (TT)
- BenjaminCaps
- BenjaminType1
- BizarroTT
- Black Chancery
- BlackForest TrueType
- BluePrintTT Fonts
- BODIDLYbold TrueType
- Brassfield ProFont TT
- Brush TrueType
- Bubbalove fonts
- Buccaneer
- CaliphTT
- Calligraphy
- Caraway Bold TT
- Caraway
- CarrickCaps
- CartWright TrueType
- CartWright
- ChinaNight
- ChineseMenuTT
- ComicsCartoonTT
- Computerfont
- CopyFit
- CreedmoreProfontT
- Crillee (TrueType)
- Crivar
- Cupertino
- DavysKeyCaps TT
- Deseret
- Dobkin-Script
- DownWind TT
- Dragonwick
- DreidelsTT
- Dubiel (TrueType)
- Dubiel
- Edda
- ElGarrettTT
- ElysianTT
- Exposition SamplerTT
- Fabliaux
- FDisplay5.1.3Ltd
- FinderFont 2.0
- FinderFont 2.1
- FinderFont
- Fleuron
- FontBank Special Offer
- FontDisplay_5
- FontFinder_2
- FontManagementHelpText
- FontMaster_88
- FontMonger Demo
- FontScaling
- Fontsie
- Fontsie_3
- FontSizer
- FoxTrotMed TT
- FoxTrotMedium TrueType
- FrankenFont
- FrankTimes
- Furioso
- G-Garamond
- GadzooxTT
- Gallaudet TT
- Gartontt
- Gessele-Script TT
- Gessele-ScriptT1
- GoodCityModernTT
- GoudyHundred
- Graphic Light
- Grauman
- GreenCaps
- Groening FontTT
- Halloween Fonts 1
- Harrington
- Helv
- Horst Caps TrueType
- Igloo TT
- Informal Oblique
- InkaBod TrueType
- InstantLogoFont(v1
- InstantLogos (TT Font)
- IntSymbol
- Judas TrueType
- Jumble TT
- Kastellar (TrueType)
- Kennon ProFont TT
- KensDingTT
- KensGeoTT
- KinigsteinCaps
- Klinzhai (TT)
- KochRoman
- KonanurCaps
- KoshL TT
- Kramer TT
- LA
- Lassus TT
- LED/Nova Fonts
- LeeCaps
- Lemiesz & Salter TT
- LibbyScript
- Lightning Font
- LilithLight TT
- Lintsec TrueType
- LitGid TType
- Logger
- LoopDeLoop TrueType
- LowerEastSide TT
- LowerWestSide TT
- MadridTrueType
- Maidstone
- MardiGras
- MarkerFeltThin v2 TT
- MarkerFeltWide v2 TT
- MarketBold TT
- MarkrFeltTh Type1 Fnt
- Mazama 2
- MenuClock 12
- MiamiNightsTT
- Middleton 1.1 TT
- Mira
- MS Word TrueType bug fix
- N-Font 1
- NauertTrueType
- NeuSansBlack ProFont TT
- NeuSansL
- NeuSansLight ProFont TT
- NeuSerif TT
- NeuSerif TT ProFont
- NewBold (TT)
- NixonInChina TT
- Notepad
- Oakwood Profont TT
- Ornaments
- OSWALDblack TrueType
- OxNard TT
- PhoneAlphabetTT
- Polo SemiScript
- PonchoVia1.0.1 (Type 1)
- PostCrypt
- PostCrypt.suit
- PostScript Escape Font
- Premium (TrueType)
- Premium (Type 1)
- PS_Spooler
- RakStudent 9 TT fonts
- Recycle
- Reed TrueType
- ReliefDeco TrueType
- ReliefPaktt
- ReynoldsCaps
- Rhesimol
- Rhyolite 2
- Riverside
- Romeo
- RoodCAPSf
- Rothman TrueType
- Rounders TT
- RoundersUltra Type 1
- Rudelsberg 2
- Sample It
- Sampler
- SapirSans True Type
- SchnellerMedium.Truetype
- ShalomOldStyle
- ShalomScript
- ShalomStick
- SillyconValley(TT)
- SillyconValley(Type 1)
- Simsonite
- SkinnySys7Fnt
- SnyderSpeed 2
- SnyderSpeed v3 TT
- Spooky
- St
- StarsAndStripes TT
- SteelWolf TT
- Styler
- Swifty
- SydneyTT
- Thalia
- The_Styler_1
- TimesFractions1
- TNG MonitorsTT
- ToneAndDebs
- Townsend (TrueType)
- Tribeca
- TTConverter
- Turbine
- TuxedoVerticle.bmap
- TypeBook
- Uechi-Gothictt
- UpperEastSide
- UpperWestSide
- UrsaSerifBold.tt
- VarahCaps
- Victorias Secret Type1
- Viking
- Vireo
- Wedgie TrueType
- WesternSlant.TT
- WetPaint TT
- Wharmby TT
- Will-Harris TT
- WillRobinson
- Wiltonian TT
- Zallman Caps TT
(23.62 MiB / 24.76 MB)
2000 shareware fonts / compressed w/ Stuffit
248 / 2017-08-24 / 152e5d6e9213917951097aabdc1cf43ef22a2bb5 /
Motorola 68K
Compatibility notes
Emulating this? It could probably run under: Basilisk II
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