Bartender 1.3.1
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What is Bartender 1.3.1? Allows the user to hide the menubar, while allowing the use of the menus either by clicking where the menubar should be or by using the keyboard command of the menu item the user wants to use. Bartender was originally written for a Pippin developer who wanted the menu bar to be invisible while starting his CD. Bartender can (now) do three things: 1. Prevent the menu-bar from being drawn. Bartender patches no traps.
Download Bartender 1.3.1 for Mac
From Mac OS 7.0 up to Mac OS 9.2 Architecture: 68K Mac OS 7.x - Mac OS 9.2.2 Bartender is a control panel. To install it, drag and drop it on the System Folder and reboot. Note: BeView and Kaleidoscope extensions interfere with proper function of bartender. Also, Custom Menus extension needs to be loaded after bartender or an extension conflict will occur. Emulating this? It could probably run under: SheepShaver |