Apple Legacy Software Recovery CD

Author: Apple
Publisher: Apple Inc.
Type: System
Shared by: MR
On: 2014-04-14 23:00:17
Updated by: that-ben
On: 2024-12-24 14:12:01
Other contributors: NostalgicMac , MemMacfr
Rating: 6.75 Clarus out of 10 (4 votes)
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  • Apple Legacy Software Recovery CD main 

What is Apple Legacy Software Recovery CD?

Apple Legacy Software Recovery CD
For Macintosh 68030 or 68040-based systems

This Mac OS 7.6.1 bootable CD is Apple Legacy Recovery disc dated from fall 1999 and what makes it valuable is that it includes almost every system software for the early Macintosh models, Lisa computers and Apple II models. It also includes system software for the Apple Newton, A/UX software and even some DOS / Windows drivers for early Apple peripherals.

This CD will boot most Macintosh computers with 68030 or 68040 processors and an internal or external Apple CD-ROM drive.

Contains System Software Installations for:
All Macintosh computers with 68000 to 68040 processors, all Apple-branded Newton software, all Apple-branded Apple II software, and all Apple-branded Lisa software.


Download Apple Legacy Software Recovery CD for Mac

(unknown size) (577.84MB)
233 / 2015-11-14 / 2024-12-24 / (Unavailable for external downloads) / /
(577.84 MiB / 605.91 MB)
/ ISO image, zipped
440 / 2015-08-08 / 2024-12-24 / 5c218a02ee87e5d9929ca4d42d00e375ce919fae / /
(43.68 KiB / 44.73 KB)
Disk Tracker catalog for the Apple Legacy Recovery.iso disk image above / DiskTracker catalog, compressed w/ Stuffit
121 / 2016-10-27 / 2024-12-24 / 73875891b1c147e765f6c651973a0f503feeab9a / /
(647.72 MiB / 679.19 MB)
/ compressed w/ Stuffit
18 / 2023-01-07 / 2024-12-24 / a0b24fe698a7e01d20c4484038019e710b9d2c02 / /
(410.75 MiB / 430.7 MB)
9a3e17cc6b408cba7972beba2f1f370e2f672348 [zipped, stats merged] / ISO image, zipped
2 / 2024-12-24 / 2024-12-24 / 911726ee82a92294a6040db63835562e163f3b3c / /
(523.63 MiB / 549.06 MB)
e3e5b6491372e17e5b3537d8219197a6456c4bc7 [zipped, stats merged] / ISO image, zipped
3 / 2024-12-24 / 2024-12-24 / d19d2be5830543353ee8b5561a2c33cf1c74937e / /


Motorola 68K

Compatibility notes

Architecture: 68K


Emulating this? It could probably run under: SheepShaver

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