Eagle Eye Mysteries in London
On: 2017-03-11 21:31:16
On: 2024-02-05 15:49:51
(There's no video for Eagle Eye Mysteries in London yet. Please contribute to MR and add a video now!)
Eagle Eye Detective Agency is back and this time they are solving mysteries in London!
Help Jake and Jennifer Eagle solve over 50 mysteries while enjoying some sight-seeing and learning about the landmarks of London. Collect clues and review them in your mini palm top-like computer, T.R.A.V.I.S (Text Retrieval And Video Input System). When you finish solving a mystery, you will be awarded a special page in your very own scrapbook.
- (MobyGames)
See also: Eagle Eye Mysteries: The Original
(386.76 MiB / 405.55 MB)
CD version / compressed w/ Stuffit
11 / 2017-03-11 / 2024-02-05 / f45c567ce7f72170fac3529d381c548f68406f53 /
(638.28 MiB / 669.28 MB)
CD version / ISO image
34 / 2017-03-18 / 2024-02-05 / 5ad8c09299ff2d723a472546635568de2e37a9e0 /
(25.46 MiB / 26.7 MB)
Floppy disk version / Zipped
5 / 2021-12-16 / 2024-02-05 / 55776e95d052618c0d285dc8e9b2e1642d350c0d /
(612.05 KiB / 626.74 KB)
DEMO / compressed w/ Stuffit
1 / 2023-12-07 / 2024-02-05 / 6d1837d78cc1348329093136065a04005da1c722 /
68K + PPC (FAT)
From Mac OS 7.0
up to Mac OS 9.2
Compatibility notes
Emulating this? It could probably run under: Basilisk II
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