
Publisher: BIAP Systems
Type: Games
Category: Simulation
Shared by: that-ben
On: 2017-02-25 11:08:27
Updated by: drHirudo
On: 2018-08-09 08:30:48
Rating: 0.00 Clarus out of 10 (0 vote)
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What is Bugglings?

Bugglings is a life kind of simulator.  5 types of living organisms (identified by a different color) are competing in a test tube where there is food and optional radiation.  The cells move around, eat food, reproduce and kill other organisms.  They also die from age.  Each run is randomly generated.

Bugglings also provides for a 68020 optimized binary to help run faster on those CPU's.


Download Bugglings for Mac

(42.76 KiB / 43.79 KB)
Bugglings v1.0 / compressed w/ Stuffit
36 / 2017-02-25 / 111333c0cb547c892590a5325984c43454f81079 / /


Motorola 68K

System Requirements

From Mac OS 6.0 up to Mac OS 9.2

Compatibility notes

Architecture: 68K

At least 512KB of free RAM

Mac OS 6.x - Mac OS 9.2.2


Emulating this? It could probably run under: Mini vMac

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