
Author: Bill Goodman
Type: Games
Shared by: that-ben
On: 2017-01-31 18:17:43
Updated by: that-ben
On: 2023-04-03 07:48:33
Rating: 0.00 Clarus out of 10 (0 vote)
Rate it: 12345678910

(There's no video for Avernum yet. Please contribute to MR and add a video now!)

  • Gameplay 
  • Splash screen 
  • Main menu 

What is Avernum?

Avernum is a turn based RPG game with a deep story and nice immersive drawings.

Avernum had a lot of sequels for various OS following this initial release.

Note: This is the unregistered shareware version of Avernum.


Download Avernum for Mac

(6.44 MiB / 6.75 MB)
Avernum v1.0.2 / compressed w/ Stuffit
83 / 2017-01-31 / 9895c5728895eea318479376d94904d47db5458f / /
(8.12 MiB / 8.52 MB)
/ Zipped
4 / 2020-09-12 / bf5a7e665bb8a21ef5ca1afb4308e30ae72acc7a / /
(58.72 KiB / 60.13 KB)
/ compressed w/ Stuffit
7 / 2020-09-12 / 007b6ed17686a4fb76bfdee64acdbe76c237615c / /



System Requirements

From Mac OS 8.0 up to Mac OS 9.2

Compatibility notes

Architecture: PPC

At least 10MB of free RAM (recommended 12MB)

Mac OS 8.x - Mac OS 9.2.2


Emulating this? It could probably run under: SheepShaver

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