Envisio External Video EVE 1.4.1 also Mirror PowerVision

Author: Envisio
Publisher: Envisio
Type: System
Shared by: Storm-Impact
On: 2024-09-23 22:34:02
Updated by: that-ben
On: 2024-11-04 09:53:51
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What is Envisio External Video EVE 1.4.1 also Mirror PowerVision?

Envisio External Video driver installer software, which also works with the other branding called Mirror PowerVision. The hardware is a combination memory card and external video board, with an external video connector on the PowerBook's 'shoulder'. This software has been tested on the PowerBook 170. There seems to be a PowerBook 145 driver in the installer folder as well.

You must use the installer on your target system, as it copies resources into the System file itself. The software is more than just the system extension.

Download Envisio External Video EVE 1.4.1 also Mirror PowerVision for Mac

(341.9 KiB / 350.11 KB)
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Motorola 68K

System Requirements

From Mac OS 7.0 up to Mac OS 7.1

Compatibility notes

It might work in systems after 7.1, but this is the last version mentioned in the release notes. Defintely read the release notes, as it has a lot of comments on compatibility.

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