TextTool CM Plugin
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A powerful customizable Contextual Menu Manager Plugin
allowing to easily convert texts between different platforms.
TextTool CM Plugin is a very useful utility (that is why a wrote it !, as a freeware) when dealing with different platforms. It allows to convert the coding of end of lines between the different platform (CR-LF on DOS/Windows, CR on Mac, LF on Unix). Besides, it also allows to convert Hi-ASCII characters, using Text Encoding Converter.
Combining these two functions, you can transform in a click an Unix-Latin1 text to a MacRoman text. TextTool CM Plugin also works on applications supporting CMM, converting selected text onto clipboard.
TextTool CM Plugin offers by defaults the most commonly used translations :
- For end of lines
- Mac <-> Unix
- Mac <-> DOS/Windows
- For end of lines and Hi-ASCII characters
- MacRoman <-> Unix-Latin1
- MacRoman <-> Windows-Latin1 (aka Windows-Ansi)
- (MacRar.free.fr)
(14.55 KiB / 14.9 KB)
Version 1.0.2 (1999) / BinHex'd, use Stuffit Expander
4 / 2024-09-21 / 9d410e5a46f504a0474cfa5b23e53780797585f6 /
From Mac OS 8.0
up to Mac OS 9.2
Compatibility notes
Requirements : PPC Macintosh, System 8 or later, Text Encoding Converter.
Emulating this? It could probably run under: SheepShaver
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