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DigWords is a new Crossword style board game. The game uses familiar Scrabble-like word building rules but game play is unique. A game lasts for just 12 rounds with a fresh set of 7 letters in each round. The game board is a 9-by-9 grid, so it takes skill and planning to make best use of available space.
DigWords is designed for solo play but you can also play against friends. Each player is given the same 7 letters to place on their own game board. The same-letters-for-all feature sets the game apart from other crossword style board games.
- (ShoecakeGames.com)
DigWords passcode: WY5MZ9METH
(2.85 MiB / 2.99 MB)
Version 1.0.9 UB (2011) / DMG image
0 / 2024-09-08 / 21c1f94f7e1db771889e2f63cf4a188d73aede59 /
OSX Universal Binary
System Requirements
From Mac OS 10.3
up to Mac OS 10.14
Compatibility notes
Emulating this? It could probably run under: QEMU
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