Buzz-o-sonic (Demo)

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On: 2024-04-10 23:19:55
On: 2025-01-05 15:33:48
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(There's no video for Buzz-o-sonic (Demo) yet. Please contribute to MR and add a video now!)
This audio spectrum analyzer can measure the resonant frequency of ceramics and metals. The frequency range is 0.01 - 22 kHz.
A Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm is used to graph the whole frequency spectrum of sounds obtained from impulse-excited ceramics. The graphs can be customized; including zooming in on a frequency range, selecting logarithmic or linear axes, and changing trace and background colors. Smoothing windows are also included. Elastic constants (E, G, µ) can be calculated too.
Data can be exported as text files for importing into MS Excel and other spreadsheet or graphing applications. An AppleScript is included to automate this process.
(4.45 MiB / 4.67 MB)
Version 3.0 DEMO (2001) / BinHex'd, use Stuffit Expander
 16 /  2024-04-10 /  2024-04-11 /  91f243729a69cc4c356e43ac9b9163aedc2aa833 / 
 IBM PowerPC
System Requirements 
From Mac OS 7.5
up to Mac OS 9.2
Compatibility notes 
System Requirements (PPC ONLY!)
- System 7.x/8.x/9.x
- at least a 12" Color monitor
- at least 4 MB of free RAM (8 MB preferred)
- PPC/G3-4 CPU
- PlainTalk Microphone (or similar, directional microphone with at least 10 Hz- 20 kHz bandwidth).
- 3.1 - 5 MB disk space depending on installation options
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