HFVExplorer 1.3.1 (for Windows)

Type: Misc
Shared by: that-ben
On: 2016-10-17 09:30:53
Updated by: that-ben
On: 2024-01-07 09:40:45
Rating: 9.00 Clarus out of 10 (4 votes)
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(There's no video for HFVExplorer 1.3.1 (for Windows) yet. Please contribute to MR and add a video now!)

  • HFVExplorer / Creating an empty disk image 
  • HFVExplorer / Drag and drop file copy from PC to Mac disk 
  • HFVExplorer / Preparing file copy 

What is HFVExplorer 1.3.1 (for Windows)?

HFVExplorer is a very useful Windows tool that can create, format, read and write HFS floppies, hard disks and disk images on a PC.  HFVExplorer is especially useful in the case of transfering the first Mac OS to floppy disks in order to install it on a real old Macintosh when you only have access to a Windows PC since without HFVExplorer, it would be impossible to create the first booting/install Mac OS floppy disk that will allow you to start using the old Mac.

Another key scenario in using HFVExplorer is when you need to copy Stuffit Expander to a Mac that does not already have Stuffit Expander installed.  This scenario makes it impossible to copy any Mac application using a PC because without compressing Mac applications first, the resource forks would be destroyed the instant it is handled by a PC and obviously, it's impossible to compress it before copying it to a floppy disk because there is no decompression tool on the other end.  That's where HFVExplorer becomes the key of success: With HFVExplorer, you can copy ANY Mac file or application without destroying the resource forks!


Download HFVExplorer 1.3.1 (for Windows)

(405.43 KiB / 415.16 KB)
HFVExplorer for Windows 98 and up / Zipped
5747 / 2016-10-17 / c629f73157e70ffb7fb9978556da6616f631ef54 / /
(539.64 KiB / 552.59 KB)
HFVExplorer user manual (PDF)
838 / 2016-10-17 / f2afcde1a1273fac103aae3df5162e4ce27ac66e / /
(491.95 KiB / 503.76 KB)
/ Zipped
211 / 2021-12-03 / 6a96bc5acd4ce965b548f57200abbf8621c61b9f / /

Compatibility notes

For Windows 98 and up


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