Star Flight
On: 2024-03-30 14:58:31
On: 2024-03-30 15:04:49
(There's no video for Star Flight yet. Please contribute to MR and add a video now!)
Star Flight Graphics in TML Pascal
By Mike Morton, InfoCom, Cambridge, MA
Mike Morton wins $50 for the outstanding program of the month with this feature article. Congratulations Mike!
Star Flight: Real-time, 3-D animation on the Mac
In the fall of 1984, I made the mistake of watching too much of a nine-hour “Twilight Zone” extravaganza. Most of that night was a blur, but I remembered one scene vividly -- flying through space fast enough that the stars whizzed by. Today this effect is commonplace, appearing in everything from “Nightline” credits to “Star Trek” reruns. But it's usually done with expensive equipment and filmed one frame at a time. I wondered if a Macintosh could do the same thing in real time. The result is an exercise in simple 3-D graphics and optimizing a Macintosh program.
- (MacTutor magazine)
(4.35 KiB / 4.46 KB)
Version 0.1 / compressed w/ Stuffit
5 / 2023-01-07 / 2024-03-30 / c9052b1e038993ead899832490e81f6d6f7561c8 /
(6.19 KiB / 6.34 KB)
Version 0.3 / compressed w/ Stuffit
5 / 2023-01-07 / 2024-03-30 / bc3b2f5abfb6fc5e4119de55badcd19782c867fb /
Motorola 68K
System Requirements
From Mac OS 1.0
up to Mac OS 6.0
Compatibility notes
Emulating this? It could probably run under: Mini vMac
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