Cinema Paradiso (Apple QuickTime Demo Germany)

Author: Apple
Publisher: Apple Inc.
Type: Misc
Shared by: Lohde
On: 2016-06-23 09:28:39
Updated by: that-ben
On: 2017-09-03 11:43:14
Rating: 0.00 Clarus out of 10 (0 vote)
Rate it: 12345678910

(There's no video for Cinema Paradiso (Apple QuickTime Demo Germany) yet. Please contribute to MR and add a video now!)

  • CD contents preview 

What is Cinema Paradiso (Apple QuickTime Demo Germany)?

Contains a lot of 1980's and 1990's TV and radio ads from Apple, pictures, QuickTime VR scenes, songs and other promotional material.

Note: The CD itself was for Germany and root folders are named in German, but all multimedia files are in english.


Download Cinema Paradiso (Apple QuickTime Demo Germany)

(654.99 MiB / 686.81 MB)
Cinema Pradiso CD 1 of 2 / CDR image
27 / 2016-06-23 / 2017-09-03 / fdd473d4841d18cce804966284fd25b73d723327 / /
(630.79 MiB / 661.44 MB)
Cinema Pradiso CD 2 of 2 / CDR image
19 / 2016-06-23 / 2017-09-03 / 518908fe5f177c5b2ac0ed686c7e6aca65d3be44 / /

Compatibility notes

Requires QuickTime to play the movies.


Emulating this? It could probably run under: SheepShaver

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