More System Sound Sets for Appearance Manager
On: 2016-04-14 19:23:58
On: 2023-05-01 09:28:03
(There's no video for More System Sound Sets for Appearance Manager yet. Please contribute to MR and add a video now!)
Many cool sound sets for Mac OS 8.5 thru 9.2.2 Appearance Manager.
The first 35 sound sets archive contains the following:
- Acid SoundSet
- AKIRA Sound Set
- Aqua SoundSet 1.0
- Clickz 1.0
- DrawingBoard Sounds
- Dune Sound Set
- Final Fantasy Sound Set 1.0
- Gizmo Sounds
- Glass SoundSet
- Hi-Tech Sounds
- iMac Sounset V1.1
- Jedi SoundSet
- Jimi Hendrix Riffs
- LooneyTunes SoundSet 1.1b
- Marathon Soundset
- Martian Sounds !
- Matrix Soundset
- Metal Blips
- Myst
- Myst Sound Set
- MYST SoundSet
- NextGen 1.1
- oddworld soundset
- Platinum Sounds
- postpetDX Set
- Q's Paper SoundSet
- R2D2 SoundSet
- SGI Sounds
- Spooky Sounds1.0
- T&P Flatus SoundSet
- Terminator 2 Sound Set
- Toy Chest SoundSet
- Wet SoundSet 1.0
- Squeaky Chair 1.0
- PlasticWrap 1.1
Pro tip: The "Squeaky Chair 1.0" sound set is pretty damn annoying!
The second 9 sound sets archive contains the following:
- 25¢ Sounds
- Clickz 1.0
- PACMAN Sound Set
- SGI Soundset b4
- Stereolab Sound Set
- Windose98 Sounds
- Windows Nt Soundset
- YOROZU 1.0.5
(20.33 MiB / 21.32 MB)
First archive of 35 sound sets for Appearance / compressed w/ Stuffit
![Downloaded 482 times]( 482 / ![Added on 2016-11-09]( 2016-11-09 / ![Updated on 2017-11-04]( 2017-11-04 / ![SHA1 checksum hash]( cfd86614dd8094d6fd6383e34afc864e0464ba13 / ![Anchor to this file download](
(7.29 MiB / 7.65 MB)
Second archive of 9 sound sets for Appearance / compressed w/ Stuffit
![Downloaded 160 times]( 160 / ![Added on 2017-11-04]( 2017-11-04 / ![SHA1 checksum hash]( 830a286fc78d6cad085aeceea83b522de97c28cf / ![Anchor to this file download](
Architecture ![Anchor to architecture](
![]( IBM PowerPC
System Requirements ![Anchor to system requirements](
From Mac OS 8.5
up to Mac OS 9.2
Compatibility notes ![Anchor to compatibility notes](
Mac OS 8.5 - Mac OS 9.2.2
These are Sound Sets for Apperance. To install, drop them on the System Folder and then open Appearance Manager to active the one you want.
Emulating this? It could probably run under: SheepShaver
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