Vortex (theme)

Author: Michael Rabe
Type: System
Category: Appearance , Theme
Shared by: thecookfamily
On: 2016-04-14 19:15:59
Updated by: that-ben
On: 2016-12-06 10:35:33
Rating: 7.00 Clarus out of 10 (2 votes)
Rate it: 12345678910

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  • Vortex / Apperance icon 
  • Vortex in action 

What is Vortex (theme)?

The Vortex theme changes the appearance of your Mac (Mac OS 8.5 up to 9.2.2) and is freeware by Michael Rabe.

How To Install the Vortex theme:

• Drag and Drop “Vortex” on to the CLOSED Systems Folder. it will say "This Item needs to be stored in the Theme Files folder in order to be available to the computer. Put "Vortex" Into the Theme Files folder?" click OK. Put the file in the "Put the file “Vortex Desktop” in your "Desktop Pictures Folder"

• Then go to your Control Panels folder and open the Appearance Control Panel. Click on the tab "Themes" then choose Vortex.


By using these files you are agreeing to the terms: Nether Michael Rabe, Mac Things nor Doghouse Online are not responsible for any crashes, data loss, unhappiness or non-specific bodily discomfort including but not limited to spontaneous decapitation that you might conceivably suffer because of Vortex. You use this software at your own risk.

Download Vortex (theme) for Mac

(173.76 KiB / 177.93 KB)
Vortex v1.0 / Appearance theme / compressed w/ Stuffit
47 / 2016-11-09 / d16deda61a2da97e660777a232f9e0b6ae4e0813 / /

Compatibility notes

Mac OS 8.5 - Mac OS 9.2.2

This is an Appearance theme. To install it, drag and drop it on the System Folder and open the Apperance control panel.


Emulating this? It could probably run under: SheepShaver

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