Uncle Josh's Outline Map Collection CD-ROM
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On: 2023-12-23 07:53:21
On: 2024-11-08 03:43:09
(There's no video for Uncle Josh's Outline Map Collection CD-ROM yet. Please contribute to MR and add a video now!)
Germany is not an island! When I handed my children the map of Germany I downloaded from the internet while studying WWII my oldest daughter ask ‘what island is this?’ The problem was free online maps were “floating” shapes that looked like islands. I was sure that I wasn’t the only home schooling parent with this issue. So, I set out to create a collection of good quality outline maps that anyone could print from their home computer and use to teach children.
Hannah and I originally selected over one hundred outline map titles designed to add fun and adventure to any school subject. I have since added over 150 more maps (including some labeled maps) through the years, each time we reprinted the CD-ROM.
May this comprehensive collection of maps make your studies of any subject more fun and complete.
(272.08 MiB / 285.3 MB)
Hybrid Mac/PC / ISO image, zipped
3 / 2023-12-23 / 2024-11-08 / a3fb2085c271e77e068ca89a2c2b932b1446055b /
System Requirements
From Mac OS 9.0
up to Mac OS 15.1
Compatibility notes
Emulating this? It could probably run under: QEMU
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