Josh's Apple Game
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On: 2023-12-07 18:21:08
On: 2023-12-19 14:12:28
(There's no video for Josh's Apple Game yet. Please contribute to MR and add a video now!)
Josh's Apple Game is about as straight forward as a game can get. Josh is a little doggie. He needs your help to catch the apple's falling from his apple tree. You lead him back and forth across the screen to catch apples, using your mouse. Whenever he catches an apple, points are awarded, adding to his "Catch" total.
(124.42 KiB / 127.41 KB)
/ compressed w/ Stuffit
2 / 2023-12-07 / 2023-12-19 / c625b4529beae68964f7b2f4e32343c502fb60d8 /
Motorola 68K
System Requirements
From Mac OS 7.0
up to Mac OS 9.2
Compatibility notes
- Any Macintosh with a 68020 or better processor (includes all Power Macintoshes)
- System 7 or greater
- 256 colors
- 12" or larger monitor
Emulating this? It could probably run under: SheepShaver
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