Championship Manager: Season 01/02
On: 2023-11-15 02:57:08
On: 2023-12-10 21:31:44
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(There's no video for Championship Manager: Season 01/02 yet. Please contribute to MR and add a video now!)
Championship Manager is a football (soccer) managment game
(599.51 MiB / 628.63 MB)
/ CDR image
418 / 2023-11-15 / e0297cfa27b445334872f0be5f7cabb35f336e68 /
(15.05 MiB / 15.78 MB)
DEMO / compressed w/ Stuffit
81 / 2023-12-07 / 2023-12-10 / ca4714b704d20aa7bafe92e166dbbeaa85ae3808 /
System Requirements
From Mac OS 8.6
up to Mac OS 10.5
Compatibility notes
The minimum requirements for running CM 01/02 (under MacOS 8 or 9) are:
- MacOS version 8.6
- CarbonLib 1.4
- 233 Mhz PowerPC G3
- 64 Mb RAM (with virtual memory set to at least 196Mb)
- 800x600 monitor
- 200Mb free disc space
- Ethernet (required for network play)
The minimum requirements for running CM 01/02 (under MacOS X) are:
- MacOS X version 10.1
- 233 Mhz PowerPC G3
- 96 Mb RAM Ґ800x600 monitor
- 200Mb free disc space
- Ethernet (required for network play)
Emulating this? It could probably run under: SheepShaver
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