Brain Dead 13

Author: ReadySoft
Publisher: ReadySoft
Type: Games
Category: 3rd Person , Action , Adventure
Shared by: MR
On: 2014-04-14 23:03:33
Updated by: that-ben
On: 2019-12-10 14:55:42
Other contributors: LTDAN
Rating: 0.00 Clarus out of 10 (0 vote)
Rate it: 12345678910

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What is Brain Dead 13?

An FMV animated game in the same vein of Dragon's Lair and Space Ace. Braindead 13 follows the adventures of Lance, a computer expert trapped in the castle of the evil Dr. Nero Neurosis. Use the arrow keys and space bar to guide Lance and defeat all of the castle's baddies. Oh and remember to collect the missing witch eyes. Good luck!


Download Brain Dead 13 for Mac

(291.96 MiB / 306.14 MB)
/ Toast image, compressed w/ Stuffit
69 / 2014-04-14 / 406835a6928665748a48386442da1ccbceee27cd / /
(346.16 MiB / 362.98 MB)
Braindead_13_MAC / DiskCopy image, compressed w/ Stuffit
22 / 2019-09-16 / 8e2d6ad8117510afcd7ed9d7771495460c1040de / /


68K + PPC (FAT)

System Requirements

From Mac OS 7.0 up to Mac OS 9.2

Compatibility notes

Archietcture: 68K + PPC (FAT)

Mac OS 7.x - Mac OS 9.2.2


Emulating this? It could probably run under: SheepShaver

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