Beneath Apple Manor

Shared by: Amid
On: 2023-06-22 06:49:55
Updated by: Amid
On: 2023-07-05 21:49:47
Rating: 0.00 Clarus out of 10 (0 vote)
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(There's no video for Beneath Apple Manor yet. Please contribute to MR and add a video now!)

  • Front Cover (Special Edition) 
  • Back Cover (Special Edition) 
  • Screenshot (Color) 
  • Screenshot (Black & White) 
  • Media (Special Edition) 1982 
  • Media (Original Published by Software Factory) 1978 
  • Media (Original Published by Software Factory) 1978 

What is Beneath Apple Manor?

An early graphical rogue-like dungeon crawl. Slay some monsters, build up some experience, explore deeper levels.

The goal is to find the Golden Apple, buried somewhere deep in the basement beneath the manor.

This game can be configured for either graphics or text, 10 different skill levels, and configurable room layouts. Each level is created randomly at the beginning of the game.

Besides monsters which you have to fight, you can also find treasures, secret doors and hidden traps in the dungeons.

Download Beneath Apple Manor

(331.09 KiB / 339.04 KB)
Original and Special Edition / Zipped
23 / 2023-06-22 / c47c9f13934c908baa58d0d3afec2cd33f939d1e / /
(9.77 MiB / 10.24 MB)
Cassette dump (.wav) / Zipped
3 / 2023-07-05 / c2a6dcf94077c0b75c0e0dce50257414fcc740be / /
(3.8 MiB / 3.99 MB)
Manual in PDF format
17 / 2023-06-22 / 2023-07-05 / f8af9a9e5008fedf23857d0daf193dd677c970a7 / /


Other/Non-Mac architecture

Compatibility notes

Apple II

  • 16k (48k for Special Edition) 

Emulating this? It could probably run under: KEGS

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