Microshaft Winblows 98
What is Microshaft Winblows 98? Microshaft Winblows 98 is a parody program by Parroty software that attempts to make jokes about Windows 98, Microsoft's business, and nerd culture in general. It was generally positively received. Describing itself as "rated for teenagers" due to its "comic mischief" and "suggestive themes", the game opens with the fictitious Microsoft janitor Graham and Bill Gates' personal assistant Meg (played by J. P. Manoux and Tamara Bick respectively) with a dialogue on the program. When started, the game presents a bootsplash much like the one on the Windows 9x operating systems before presenting the user with a desktop from which various "applications" can be launched; these include spoofs of computer games (such as Doom), Microsoft software (such as Internet Explorer), and even sometimes popular fads of the time (such as a "Billagotchi" that parodies Tamagotchi and Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates). The game also has a storyline, where the player starts out as a tech support employee and must work his or her way up to a meeting with Microsoft CEO Bill Gates. Download Microshaft Winblows 98 for Mac At your own risk. Emulating this? It could probably run under: SheepShaver |