Inside Macintosh 1992-1994

Author: Apple
Publisher: Apple
Type: Misc
Shared by: OxYGeN
On: 2023-06-09 07:42:25
Updated by: Amid
On: 2023-11-04 20:02:19
Rating: 0.00 Clarus out of 10 (0 vote)
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What is Inside Macintosh 1992-1994?

Inside Macintosh books in PDF format.

The Inside Macintosh library of books is a complete technical reference to the system software provided for Macintosh computers by Apple Computer, Inc. You’ll need some or all of the Inside Macintosh books—in addition to the documentation for your specific software development environment—to write applications and other software components that run in the Macintosh Operating System. Books in the Inside Macintosh series are designed primarily as reference books and not as step-by-step tutorials. (The main exception to that rule is this book, Inside Macintosh: Overview, which is a general introduction to programming on Macintosh computers and to the other Inside Macintosh books.) Nonetheless, there is sufficient “how-to” material in each book that you should be able to successfully implement the features of some particular part of the Macintosh system software by reading the appropriate chapters in Inside Macintosh. Moreover, some of these books contain special introductory chapters that explain general concepts and provide implementation details for specific parts of the system software. For example, the chapter “Introduction to File Management” in the book Inside Macintosh: Files provides a complete explanation of how to implement the typical File menu commands

Source:  page 12 from file 1992-overview.pdf


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