
Author: John Calhoun
Type: Games
Category: Arcade , Platform
Shared by: MR
On: 2014-04-14 22:55:55
Updated by: ThinkIndifferent
On: 2023-05-06 23:43:54
Other contributors: that-ben , EkriirkE , IMadering , Blaise , RT
Rating: 9.33 Clarus out of 10 (3 votes)
Rate it: 12345678910

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What is Glypha?

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Download Glypha for Mac

(571.5 KiB / 585.22 KB)
Glypha I (v3.0) + Glypha II (v1.1) + Glypha III (v1.0.1) / Binary encoded, use Stuffit Expander
89 / 2014-04-14 / 2021-08-22 / ec27ffebb6f187502494142a73a2b683299a817a / /
(153.9 KiB / 157.59 KB)
Glypha I v3.0 / compressed w/ Stuffit
97 / 2017-01-12 / 2020-04-06 / 8ca23ed097a592dbba6df064bbea32c3443616dc / /
(512 KiB / 524.29 KB)
/ DSK image
54 / 2018-09-12 / 6a521e1d2a632c26e53b83d2cc4b0edecfc1e68c / /
(176.03 KiB / 180.26 KB)
Glypha II v1.0 / compressed w/ Stuffit
23 / 2017-01-12 / 2020-04-06 / 85e58c9d06f14a5096a6259a406f5d54d11beb49 / /
(176.61 KiB / 180.85 KB)
Glypha II v1.1 / compressed w/ Stuffit
22 / 2020-04-06 / 2020-04-06 / 0ea1cd0443f9d9f77f044a774a7ab6b16dd30f4e / /
(236.97 KiB / 242.66 KB)
Glypha III v1.0.2, Mac OS 9 / compressed w/ Stuffit
96 / 2017-05-03 / 2020-04-06 / 7c84053d1bdfd886018dfbb62ca0e8ae72fc8103 / /
(273.44 KiB / 280 KB)
/ Zipped
10 / 2022-12-18 / e626e3c57e73f5ca00e43851286a6a0b76053a24 / /


Motorola 68K

Compatibility notes

Architecture: 68K

Mac OS 6.x - Mac OS 9.2.2


Emulating this? It could probably run under: Basilisk II

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