CodeWarrior Pro 6

Author: Metrowerks
Publisher: Metrowerks
Category: Development Tools
Shared by: MR
On: 2014-04-16 09:45:25
Updated by: dajhorn
On: 2023-05-19 09:31:56
Other contributors: Flk157 , scott.toland
Rating: 9.00 Clarus out of 10 (1 vote)
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(There's no video for CodeWarrior Pro 6 yet. Please contribute to MR and add a video now!)

  • CodeWarrior IDE screenshot 
  • Many options can be set for the IDE or the application generation 
  • Editor 
  • Comparison of files and folders is possible 
  • File comparison 
  • From the compiler error messages you can jump to the code line and edit it 
  • Debugger with information windows: Processes, Breakpoints, Symbolics (file), Expressions, Array. 
  • Debugger with information windows: Global variables 
  • Debugger with information windows: Elements and Raw memory 
  • Debugger with information windows: Expressions, Symbolics (file) and Registers 
  • For all variables viewed in the expression window or element window, the type can be set. 
  • Selection of variable display type from list of all known types. 
  • ZoneRanger analysis windows: Heap counts, 2D & 1D memory view, Block histogramm, Block list &... 
  • ZoneRanger data displays are costumizable 

What is CodeWarrior Pro 6?

This is the last version of CodeWarrior to support both 68k and PPC development for Mac OS.

First Code Warrior 6.0 is a carbonized application. So it needs the CarbonLib in the extensions (CarbonLib 1.0.4 is in the system requirements).

The Integrated Developement Environment (IDE) offers the application develpment in Assembler, C/C++ or Java. The complete SW Pack also includes developement for Windows, Mac OS (Classic & X) and exists for Solaris and Linux.
The IDE includes an editor, a class browser (must be enabled in the options), rapid application development (RAD) tools and a debugger. RAD tools are only available for Java development.

Despite the MacOS beeing a system really based on graphical user interface, the IDE offers the possibility to create a console application using either printf/scanf or IOStream interfaces. No need then to implement any GUI element.
The output of a console application can be saved directly to a file.

At first you will have to create a project. Projects include used libraries and source code of the application. The choice is first for the project type, (stationary, RAD Wizard or empty, or Makefile importer Win & Solaris/Linux only) and between pre-configured project definitions.

The editor works closely with the Class Browser. Its interface provides function/markers/doc settings & permissions popup menus and Cmd-clic to select a rectangular portion of text.
You can use a file-comparison and merging command to display two text files side-by-side. This arrangement lets you compare differences between the files. In addition, you can compare the contents of two folders and look for differences between files.

The debugger offers many additional information windows:
Processes, Breakpoints, Watchpoints, Symbolics (file), Global variables (with separate window), Registers, Expressions, Raw memory, Array.
The debugger requires Open Transport 1.1 (or later).

Further functionalities provided are:

- Remote debugging, useful for example when developing on embedded HW.
- Support for the altivec unit on PowerPC processors (velocity engine).
- Support the developement of Carbon applications, and the creation of application packages for Mac OSX.
- Advanced debugging funtionality DebugNew to track uninitialised blocks of memory or writing past the end as well as memory leaks.

A standalone memory analysis tool, ZoneRanger is also provided. It provides the usage of memory of a running application. This offers memory usage information numerically (Count of Blocks, Used Blocks, Free Blocks, Pointers, Handles from them Locked, Purgeable and Resources, or list of blocks) and graphically (Memory Blocks in 1D or 2D, Histogram of blocks), and even the memory contents of a block.
ZoneRanger is not Carbon ready!
The main (Heap Hierarchy) window opens automatically with on the right the different windows to display the applications's memory (Summary, One Dimension Graph view, 2 Dim Graph, and Histogram), and Block window.



Download CodeWarrior Pro 6 for Mac

(172.69 MiB / 181.07 MB)
Mac OS 8 - 8.1 - Mac OS 9 / Toast image, compressed w/ Stuffit
263 / 2014-04-16 / 2023-05-19 / 1fe10c3676290a741a7e8458e580bee2bb9f8786 / Part Number D11061.1 / /
(153.24 MiB / 160.68 MB)
Mac OS 8 - 8.1 - Mac OS 9 / Toast image, compressed w/ Stuffit
358 / 2014-04-16 / 2023-05-19 / 2b98a7ce37cfc7fc1cc70c219833da53870f8e6a / Part Number D11061.0 / /
(66.95 MiB / 70.2 MB)
Mac OS 8 - 8.1 - Mac OS 9 / compressed w/ Stuffit
174 / 2014-04-16 / 4c5d234fcf1c26bd341d8c174da78b02605eb535 / /
(604.93 KiB / 619.45 KB)
Mac OS 8 - 8.1 - Mac OS 9 / compressed w/ Stuffit
125 / 2014-04-16 / d4a22afba322b16cc6e7320c86b0ffa069cd1c5f / /
(561.1 MiB / 588.36 MB)
/ Zipped
87 / 2018-09-14 / 78b5d416163fd1780d83d0720478ad25b8468465 / /



System Requirements

From Mac OS 8.6 up to Mac OS 9.2

Compatibility notes

Emulating this? It could probably run under: SheepShaver

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