
Author: Mike Saenz
Type: Games
Category: Adult , Simulation
Shared by: MR
On: 2014-04-14 23:00:42
Updated by: Amid
On: 2024-02-17 16:17:24
Other contributors: that-ben , Zorgleuche
Rating: 6.50 Clarus out of 10 (4 votes)
Rate it: 12345678910

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  • Screenshot 

What is MacPlaymate?

This is a sex simulator for the Macintosh. It features an animated monochrome girl that can be "interacted" with. A variety of sex toys are provided, as well as hands and lube. Her outfit can be altered: corset, gloves, and heels, bondage ensemble, full fetish ensemble, just stockings, or, naturally, nude. There are also three partner settings: the lesbian partner Lola, Lola with fetish ensemble, and the male partner Melvin, who is a tiny man with an 8-ball for a head. Also featured is a "panic" button. clicking this will bring up a supposed list of "apple dealers," covering up the naughty game in case someone else walks by.

 - (MobyGames)

See also: MacPlaymate II

Download MacPlaymate for Mac

(136.68 KiB / 139.96 KB)
/ DiskCopy image, compressed w/ Stuffit
4840 / 2014-04-14 / 2023-05-11 / 055fed12fb768c7e5e40b403f3e80d191c45fdfc / /
(134.06 KiB / 137.28 KB)
Exact same as above, but in .zip instead of .sit (easier for emulators) / Zipped
581 / 2021-08-20 / dd040af8c4e09e73777652574fd352f9428ab6bc / /


Motorola 68K

System Requirements

From Mac OS 1.0 up to Mac OS 7.6

Compatibility notes

Emulating this? It could probably run under: Mini vMac

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