1000s of Fonts for Macintosh

Author: Educorp
Type: Misc
Category: Fonts
Shared by: K0ntrast
On: 2023-03-23 23:08:39
Updated by: Amid
On: 2023-07-21 14:38:49
Rating: 0.00 Clarus out of 10 (0 vote)
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What is 1000s of Fonts for Macintosh?

Dump of a font compilation CD I found in a bargain bin clearance. I haven't been able to find much information about it online.

According to the read me, the CD contains:

  • 680 Type 1 fonts for Macintosh
  • 520 TrueType fonts for Macintosh
  • Over 2500 TrueType fonts for Windows
  • Included is a font browser and utilities for Mac, and a view and installer for Windows

Download 1000s of Fonts for Macintosh

(146.32 MiB / 153.43 MB)
StuffIt archive containing CD image in disk copy 6 compressed format. (Can be mounted using ShrinkWrap 3.5.1) / compressed w/ Stuffit
9 / 2023-03-23 / 2023-07-21 / 9f51bf9b32b53a0cbcb39fb25a4fed860ffeb5ca / /


68K + PPC (FAT)

System Requirements

From Mac OS 7.0 up to Mac OS 9.2

Compatibility notes

Emulating this? It could probably run under: Basilisk II

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