AppleCare CD - TechTool - Compilations

Shared by: OxYGeN
On: 2023-03-03 06:26:54
Updated by: that-ben
On: 2023-03-17 12:24:26
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  • AppleCare CD 

What is AppleCare CD - TechTool - Compilations?

AppleCare Diagnostics CD Collection 

691-3056-A  - TechTool v. 2.5.6 - Languages: EN, FR, DE, IT, NL, ES, SE, JP - Was shipped with Powermac G4 and iBook along with OS X 10.1 and Mac OS 9.2



AppleCare (TechTool) Volumes also available on Macintosh Repository 

693-????-A - TechTool v. 2.5.2 - Year 1999 

693-3066-A - TechTool v. 2.5.4 - Year 2000 

691-2935-A - TechTool v. ?? - Year 2001

691-4021-A - TechTool v.?? - Bootable - for Mac OS 8.6 or later and Mac OS X 10.1 or later - Year 2002

691-4213-A - TechTool v. ?? - for Mac OS X 10.1 or later - Year 2003 PN# 0Z691-4213-A

691-4769-A -  v. 2.1.5  - Year 2003 - Supports all systems from jan 2003 to sep 2003

691-4819-A - TechTool v. 2.3.2. - Year 2003

691-5074-A - TechTool v. ??  - Bootable - Year 2004

691-5572-A - TechTool v. ?? - Bootable - Year 2005

691-5891-A - Year 2006

691-6203-A  - TechTool v. ?? - Year 2008

691-6511-A - Year 2009


AppleCare bundles (not just TechTool)

691-4942-A AppleCare iBook Mac OS X Install bundle 4 CD's - Year 2004


Download AppleCare CD - TechTool - Compilations for Mac

(64.94 MiB / 68.1 MB)
AppleCare Diagnostics CD PN# 691-3056-A Version 2.5.6 / Toast image
19 / 2023-03-03 / b6ec6f88417d2fae31afbbbdeebe74c566a0f74b / 691-3056-A / /
(32.65 MiB / 34.24 MB)
AppleCare Diagnostics CD PN# 691-3056-A Version 2.5.6 (DiskCopy image) / compressed w/ Stuffit
11 / 2023-03-03 / 2023-03-03 / ec4a15855e65046f276a5c7e6797af505967d3f4 / 691-3056-A / /



Compatibility notes

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