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On: 2014-04-14 22:55:32
Updated by:
On: 2023-12-08 08:56:52
(There's no video for Wishbringer yet. Please contribute to MR and add a video now!)
An interactive liction game in which you are a mail clerk in a seaside town that has come under a spell cast by the mysterious Evil One. As you seek to solve the mystery, you must avoid being jailed by her henchmen, the Boot Patrol. Wishbringer comes with several elements necessary to the solution of the story, including a sealed special-delivery letter, a map of the town, and a glow-in-the-dark stone. The game can be played on two difficulty levels: novices can use Magick, a set of seven wishes, each of which can be used only once; aficionados can increase the challenge of the game by refraining from magic, since all the puzzles can be solved by logical means.
Nielson, Erfert (Ed). (July 1985). Macware News. Macworld. (pg 105).
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System 1 - 5 - Mac OS 9 / DiskCopy image, compressed w/ Stuffit
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Motorola 68K
From Mac OS 1.0
Compatibility notes
Emulating this? It could probably run under: Mini vMac
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